Sunday 9 February 2014

Chinese massage techniques to reduce fat in the abdomen

Overweight not only adversely affects the appearance of the person, but also affects the heart and health in general, making it more disposed to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis.

The causes of excess weight may be different: the excessive consumption of fat, in violation of the hormonal system, insufficient liver and kidney function, malnutrition and genetic factors. Chief among them - excessive food intake and lack of exercise, because of which calories are not consumed in the body and converted into body fat. Its accumulation leads to excess weight.

According to statistics, in most cases, the problem of excess weight begin with waist and abdomen, and therefore methods for weight reduction should primarily be targeted at this area.

Breathing exercises and massage, presented below will help you to effectively lose weight, soften and disperse the impact of calories from food consumed, thereby reducing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and promoting metabolism and fat consumption. Simultaneously during practice you resolve the endocrine system, internal organs and metabolism, reduce fat deposits and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But before we proceed to the description of exercise and massage, will focus on two important points. First - proper breathing, the second - the right food.

Basic types of respiratory

Natural breathing. This is the easiest type of breathing, but do not fall into the illusion that each owns. Usually people do not mastered Qigong breathing difficulties. To this cause improper posture, uncomfortable clothes, excessive tension in the body and even abnormal gait. Natural breathing can be used not only during exercise but also in everyday life, is only properly adjust the position of the body and mental attitude. Having mastered this, you will turn any activity into a kind of Qigong, and every action will benefit.

Natural breathing to be shallow, loose, soft, long. This is not a mere collection of words, try to think about them, and then adjust the position of your body, your breathing to become really natural.

All Qigong exercises start with wild-type breathing.

Direct abdominal breathing. This is the most common type of breathing used in Qigong. Qigong breathing is carried out mainly by means of movements stomach, pulling and thrusting it. This so-called abdominal or abdominal breathing. In direct abdominal breathing inspiratory front abdominal wall bulges forward, as if the stomach is inflated. Aperture thus descends, creating a vacuum in the lungs and increases the volume of air inhaled. On the exhale, the belly pulled in, the diaphragm rises.

Reverse abdominal breathing. This type of breathing is the exact opposite of the previous one. When you inhale the anterior abdominal wall is pulled inward and slightly tighten the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, anterior abdominal wall bulges forward, diaphragm descends. It is believed that by pulling the belly on the breath, we get to make qi circulation via Chengdu.

Two types of abdominal breathing. First - this is a natural type of abdominal breathing, which can be both direct and inverse. During this breath is not envisaged to focus on the circulation of qi. It is always used in the initial stages of exercise, when you need to plunge into a state of rest, relax. The second type - the deep abdominal breathing. This is achieved by the gradual deepening and slowing the natural abdominal breathing.

Important Tips for a balanced diet

Adult person usually eats three times a day, and the interval between meals is about 5 hours. Since the food stays in the stomach about 4-5 hours, it is consistent with the normal operation of the body. If the interval is too long, you will experience the feeling of hunger, if too short - the digestive system, without having to do the job, can start to falter, which also affect appetite. Studies show that meals allows full stomach and intestines process food digesting all of it necessary. So, what should be of a our meals? A Chinese proverb says: "Good morning, eat, supplement naeshtes afternoon, evening - eating less." Good breakfast and full lunch will give the body the required amount of energy and nutrients required for a day of work or physical activity. Otherwise, you may experience a lack of sugar in the blood, heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion or fatigue. If you eat a lot for dinner and go to bed with a full stomach, you can wait for indigestion, obesity, hypertension or coronary heart disease. Special danger to overeating at night fatty and sugary food traps with coronary heart disease, because for them it is fraught with myocardial infarction in a dream that they should not forget the people of middle and old age.

1. Massage the acupuncture points of the abdomen

His right hand and push knead point-shan wan (located on the 5th tsuney above the navel), chung-wan (located at 4 cun above the navel), Jian-li (located at 2 cun above the navel), Qi-hai (located on 1 5 cun below the navel) and guan-yuan (located at 3 cun below the navel) for 30 seconds until tender and bursting with feeling. Repeat with your left hand massage.

Pushing and kneading acupoints

Defining "cun"
To find a specific acupuncture point, in addition to the use of different features, such as sensory organs, the boundaries of the forehead with the hair, nails, nipples, navel, convex and concave in the bone structure, skin folds, etc., applicable unit cun.

There are several ways to measure human cun. If you bend your middle finger, then the distance between the ends of the folds interphalangeal joints is considered one tsunem. One cun also taken width interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Width of four fingers (index, middle, ring and little finger), tight tabulated together with the back of the hand at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint crease is three cun.

2. Abdominal massage

Place the left palm on the navel, and the right to impose it on the back side, and in this position perform rubbing and clockwise rotation with both hands for a minute. Then in the next minute perform abdominal massage counterclockwise, moving from the inside to the outside, to the whole area became warm.

Rotation and rubbing the belly

3. Massage lumbosacral region

Place hands on either side of the spine and work out stroking motion from top to bottom and bottom to top. Rubbing start from the center to the outer sides of the back, gradually covering the entire lumbosacral region, for two minutes until the sensation of heat over the entire section.

Stroking the lumbosacral region

4. Squeezing and kneading the abdomen

Fingers of both hands repeatedly lift and knead tissue of the abdominal wall for a minute.

Squeezing and kneading the abdomen

5. Pushing and rubbing the belly

United fingers of both hands (but big) push the belly downwards over two minutes.

Pushing and rubbing the belly

6. Shaking belly

Place the palms of your hands on either side of the lower abdomen. Due to the force quickly shake hands and shake the waist area for a minute.

Shaking belly

Power should be concentrated in the hands and fingers. Brush the surface should not come off the skin, and the shoulders should remain motionless and avoid pressure. This method effectively eliminates stagnation and congestion dissipates, relaxes muscles.

The effect
All the above methods help to reduce body fat in the abdominal area.

Improve the circulation of qi and blood circulation.

Contribute to improving metabolism.

Allow to accelerate the withdrawal of toxins and poisons.

Recommend performing a massage in the morning and evening.

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