Sunday 18 October 2015

Abdominal fat: 10 foods that fight abdominal fat

By including raw vegetables in our diet, we activate our body to burn fat. Those high in fiber also help us to reduce abdominal fat.

Most of us have or have had a little excess fat in the abdomen sometime. It is not just an unsightly view of our body, is also a risk to our health that we must take into account. That fat tends to surround important organs, hence we give you some simple tips to include them in your daily diet.

Millions of people are suffering from abdominal fat, we can have a healthy weight, and yet, that little excess accumulate in our gut. What can we do? Some people resort to surgery, but we assure you that there are more natural options that can help.

Risks of abdominal fat

Usually our body has an "energy reserve", ie, it uses small excess fat to protect us from climate change, and use that energy in the proper functioning of the organs. But if these energies are not burned, they tend to become fatty acids accumulate in the liver and muscle tissue.

The fat stored in the stomach area, causing serious health risks: clogged arteries, heart problems increase, triglycerides increase ...
It is necessary that the waist of the male does not exceed 102 cm, and in the case of women who did not go beyond 88 centimeters.

It is necessary to fight that extra fat on our waist, we include the following foods daily, avoiding above all those industrial foods and fried or high in fat.  

1. Citrus
Who does not like oranges, lemons or grapefruits (grapefruit)? Wonderful source of vitamin C, helps our bodies process fat faster, achieving turn to phase insulin to prevent weight gain and. What if we include them in our breakfasts and desserts?

2. Melons and watermelons

They are excellent. Exquisite fruits that are high not only in water but also potassium, which can regulate levels of sodium and avoid the annoying characteristic swelling of our abdomen.

3. Nuts
Try to include them in your salads. Besides tasty have Omega 3, which will help us in several ways: to regulate stress hormones, like cortisol, and keep our fat to accumulate. Do not consume in high amounts, just nuts about 4 per day, for example.

4. Almonds
You can consume up to about 10 a day, thanks to its glycemic sugar will control and activate metabolism. Besides all this almonds are rich in protein, calcium, fiber and Omega 3, giving us a good dose of energy.

5. Green Coffee

The green coffee stands in recent years as an excellent ally to remove abdominal fat. Its still green grains contain chlorogenic acid, a component that reduces sugar absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby burning stored fat. Moreover, this acid stimulates the metabolic activity of the liver that burns more fat.

6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a natural source of fiber and protein, ideal to take in breakfast and dinner. It helps to lower cholesterol and blood purifying, thanks to its essential properties to capture and remove any toxins fats in our body. Be sure to include it in your diet. It is very appropriate.

7. Plant high fiber
It is also important to know, it is always advisable to eat a serving of vegetables a day in its raw form: carrots, green leaves ... thereby better activate our body to burn fat. It also includes those vegetables high in fiber, such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus ... Nutrients get that absorb less fat when in the intestines.

8. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries

These tasty fruits contain a high amount of fiber and water, and very few calories. And thanks to its flavonoids, sodio.Y levels are regulated if this were not enough, have anthocyanins, can inhibit absorption of fats and sugars. We can include them in all our meals.
9. Salmon
Essential source of Omega 3 and protein, activated metabolism and prevents fat accumulation in the abdomen. If you have the opportunity to acquire it, you can eat it twice a week.

10. Olive oil
Who does not like your salads with a drizzle of olive oil? Do not hesitate, it promotes the absorption of nutrients and lowers cholesterol, an excellent ally to regulate our abdominal fat.

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