Thursday 1 October 2015


To Burn body fat is not easy. Those last few pounds are the hardest to burn and sometimes more you try the more they seem not to want to go away. These tips will help you in the difficult task of burning fat and allow you to define yourself in a moment.   1. Adjust Low Intensity Cardio 1This type of cardiovascular exercise is great if you are overweight. It will allow you to push you into a routine more intense because they do not have to stress too much the body early. Usually this is done to a 60% -80% of your potential for 30-60 minutes per session. 2. HIIT Training Training at high intensity intervals is an advanced method of practicing cardio aiming to burn fat fast: you train at high intensity for series at intervals between exercise and rest. An example might be constituted by two minutes of walking, followed by a run sprint for 30 seconds, to be repeated for 20 minutes until the end. The difference between the regular cardio and HIIT is that the regular practice sessions can burn fat longer, while HIIT speeds up your metabolism and burns fat for hours after you finish your workout. 3. Cardio after weight training or first thing in the morning This way your glycogen stores are depleted, especially after training with weights and consequently the body will burn fat as energy supplies. It must be said that this type of training is not essential for fat burning: studies have shown that fat loss occurs more quickly, but at the same time, if you perform a cardio workout on an empty stomach will be difficult, is not a problem do it at another time. 4. Eliminate the bad fats and eat healthy The power remains crucial in the fight against fat. Fat intake wrong inevitably lead to fat, while eating foods that contain good fats like avocados, nuts and fish, will help you burn more fat in the long term. Try to avoid foods made with sugar and read the label because even foods marked as "low fat" are often 10 times worse than the classic version: replace the sugar with other ingredients that increase calories, which in contrast, they increase the calories.  Consuming foods with one ingredient is a good way to avoid unhealthy foods that hinder weight loss. Eat unprocessed and as close as possible to their natural form, also it ensures an adequate intake of vitamins. 5. Do you drink several liters of water a day 3Bere more water than usual has proved crucial for weight loss and fat burning. Water helps the liver to convert fat into energy. Without forgetting that we are made for more than 70% water, so you have to drink lots of water anyway! 6. Remove the alcohol Remove the alcohol will help tremendously in losing weight. 4Bere not only adds a ton of calories "empty", but also reduces the appetite and decreases testosterone levels up to 24 hours (testosterone burns fat and helps build muscle). It also reduces the number of calories burned from fat for energy. When we drink alcohol, it is transformed into a substance called acetate, which is used instead of fat as energy. Undoubtedly, your body will retain fat reserves when alcohol consumption. 7. Supplements Fat Burner 5I have a fat burning thermogenic effect on the body and increase the speed at which our body burns fat. As always, of course, they are only supplements and will not work in the absence of proper nutrition and exercise. 8. Sleep enough 6The rest is terribly undervalued. Recovery and muscle growth takes place while we sleep, then at least 8 hours of sleep are essential. Being tired leads to reduced sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that deposits fat. Also you will not have the energy to complete your workouts and you are inclined to skip them when you are tired; there is also the possibility of overtraining and then having to recover for a few weeks. 9. Increase protein intake A high protein diet promotes faster fat loss. Protein-rich foods help to control hunger pangs and have a greater thermogenic effect: for every 100 calories you eat, your body will burn up to 20 just to break them down.

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