Sunday 25 October 2015

Easy exercises to remove belly fat

If you do not like to exercise but you want to delete your abdominal fat, try to walk to sites and up and down stairs instead of using the elevator,this is also an easy way to remove abdominal fat.

We can be the least vain people in the world, but we can not deny that we will always want to have a perfect abdomen, if not perfect, at least, without excess fat.
When it comes to burning fat, which accumulates in the abdominal area is the most difficult to burn, it becomes tedious, boring and sometimes frustrating to try.

Many people claim that trying to lose weight and burn fat from your legs or your buttocks...But the abdomen is a problem? Well, this is a problem for many. Today we will discuss a series of exercises that we can contribute to the optimal burning of abdominal fat.

Recommended exercises

Exercise No. 1
Abdominal Lie supine position (face down), supports your forearms and your toes on the ground (Try to maintain this position as long as possible). Once your body is away from the floor will form a straight line between your shoulders and your heels. Keep your pelvis in a neutral position, ie not elevate or descend.

Contract your abdomen to maintain posture. Contract hard, until you feel tired. Keep in this position as long as possible.

Exercise No. 2
The exercise will name below is listed as one of the best to burn abdominal fat and is known as shrinkage or abdominal crunch.

Now in supine position (face up), proceed to place your hands behind your head, elbows and now separates your legs elevated to a position of approximately 90 °. Should you be difficult to maintain that position, you'll help moving it up in a chair. When you find yourself located in the correct position raise your trunk, then contracting the abdominal muscles when you elevate and at the same time on your knees toward your torso; the lumbar region of your back should not be lifted from the floor.

You should consider good management of breathing: Exhale as you go up and inhale when lowering. Also you can add more difficulty using a dumbbell behind your head to hold it in your hands.

Other activities that contribute to the burning of abdominal fat
You must not forget that it is essential for our health's stay physically active so that the results you get are long term. So to help you make a good physical activity you can consider the following tips:


We can not deny that it is one of the simplest things you can do a human, nevertheless, not all do and there arise problems of inactivity. Well, just by walking for a few minutes you will burn belly fat fast.
Who does not like to dance? Actually I think we all like to do, whether in hiding in our room, anyway; dancing is very entertaining and it's too healthy, it also helps you destress and most importantly, to burn calories and abdominal fat.

Up and down stairs

You are lazy? If your answer is positive, the idea is that you begin to free yourself from all that laziness and when you go to a public place do not use elevators or escalators, but normal stairs, thus can burn abdominal fat. In short, he uses the stairs as you can.

More recommendations
Cardiovascular exercise is the most effective way to burn calories and shed abdominal fat. Cardiovascular exercise is any activity that puts your cardiopulmonary system to work in a way that achieves strengthened for a long time.

It also conducts exercises to strengthen your midsection and your abs. With central part we refer to the abdominal muscles, the muscles of the lower back or lumbodorsal and chest area. The more lean or lean muscle mass, increase metabolism more and thus be easier to get rid of fat from the abdominal area and other areas.

In order to achieve the expected results must strive full and invest a lot harder about your everyday life to achieve.

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