Sunday, 25 October 2015
Easy exercises to remove belly fat
If you do not like to exercise but you want to delete your abdominal fat, try to walk to sites and up and down stairs instead of using the elevator,this is also an easy way to remove abdominal fat.
We can be the least vain people in the world, but we can not deny that we will always want to have a perfect abdomen, if not perfect, at least, without excess fat.
When it comes to burning fat, which accumulates in the abdominal area is the most difficult to burn, it becomes tedious, boring and sometimes frustrating to try.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Abdominal fat: 10 foods that fight abdominal fat
By including raw vegetables in our diet, we activate our body to burn fat. Those high in fiber also help us to reduce abdominal fat.
Most of us have or have had a little excess fat in the abdomen sometime. It is not just an unsightly view of our body, is also a risk to our health that we must take into account. That fat tends to surround important organs, hence we give you some simple tips to include them in your daily diet.
Millions of people are suffering from abdominal fat, we can have a healthy weight, and yet, that little excess accumulate in our gut. What can we do? Some people resort to surgery, but we assure you that there are more natural options that can help.
Most of us have or have had a little excess fat in the abdomen sometime. It is not just an unsightly view of our body, is also a risk to our health that we must take into account. That fat tends to surround important organs, hence we give you some simple tips to include them in your daily diet.
Millions of people are suffering from abdominal fat, we can have a healthy weight, and yet, that little excess accumulate in our gut. What can we do? Some people resort to surgery, but we assure you that there are more natural options that can help.
Abdominal liposuction and price
Abdominal liposuction is probably the most sought liposuction and then we will detail a little more the process and the results of this intervention as well as the price you can have the operation.
Usually the patient seeking an abdominal liposuction want to remove the fat that accumulates in the belly area forming an anti-aesthetic belly, which often for both men and women, can lead to myriad complex.
The technique has been refined over time, and each time patients have satisfaction in May with a speech that will get us back the figure you always wanted to recover, something that is priceless.
Abdominal liposuction intervention
Abdominal liposuction like most cosmetic procedures of a certain size, you need general anesthesia, allowing the surgeon to operate with greater precision and total abdominal libertad.liposucción
The surgeon will access the abdominal fat through small incisions will be where you can enter a cannula equipped with a suction device for while fat comes off internal tissues are removed.
To end the operation, the surgeon, will stitches necessary for the incisions leave the smallest possible scar.
The patient should permancer between 12 and 24 hours for observation to tackle complications or reactions that could occur immediately.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
EXPOSED : WAYS to Eliminate localized fat
Localized Fat is a problem that affects many of us, both women and men. Often, and despite not being fatty, nor terms overweight, suffer with those fats that stand out, especially in the area of the thigh or waist. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, stress and poor diet are some of the possible causes for this unsightly problem.
The excessive fat deposits in various parts of the body may be due to sex and genetics. In the case of overweight women, for example, higher fatty deposits appear in the area of the thighs and buttocks, while in men, usually, this fat deposits in the abdomen, around the waist. When fat is due to localized excessive weight may be due to the fact that have a slow metabolism and can have a lifelong fight with this excess weight and body fat management.
Localized fat is very difficult to eliminate, it takes some patience and a lot of persistence, but it's worth the effort because they can be excellent results.
First of all we must define the goal very well, and more wanting to lose weight or fat, it is important to want to have a healthy diet. There are nowadays many offers to eliminate localized fat in beauty clinics, but know how to get it naturally.
The fat which accumulates in certain areas of the body fat or sugar is consumed in excess and are not expended as energy.
Strive to eating a balanced diet, low in calories. Replace the oil with olive oil, red meat to white meat, eat a lot of fish and vegetables. Do not forget that soup is a very full and rich dish in water, therefore an excellent option to have this in your daily menu.
Reduce the amount of salt, because salt is responsible for fluid retention. Eat small meals a day, and whenever possible opt for whole food, excellent sources of fiber that help the proper functioning of the intestines.
In the case of localized fat, located to exercise without follow up with proper nutrition, or vice versa, will not give the desired results. This is a case where the exercise complements the diet, and need not be a very demanding sport, a good walk apace daily longer be a good addition to the diet.
The excessive fat deposits in various parts of the body may be due to sex and genetics. In the case of overweight women, for example, higher fatty deposits appear in the area of the thighs and buttocks, while in men, usually, this fat deposits in the abdomen, around the waist. When fat is due to localized excessive weight may be due to the fact that have a slow metabolism and can have a lifelong fight with this excess weight and body fat management.
Localized fat is very difficult to eliminate, it takes some patience and a lot of persistence, but it's worth the effort because they can be excellent results.
First of all we must define the goal very well, and more wanting to lose weight or fat, it is important to want to have a healthy diet. There are nowadays many offers to eliminate localized fat in beauty clinics, but know how to get it naturally.
The fat which accumulates in certain areas of the body fat or sugar is consumed in excess and are not expended as energy.
Strive to eating a balanced diet, low in calories. Replace the oil with olive oil, red meat to white meat, eat a lot of fish and vegetables. Do not forget that soup is a very full and rich dish in water, therefore an excellent option to have this in your daily menu.
Reduce the amount of salt, because salt is responsible for fluid retention. Eat small meals a day, and whenever possible opt for whole food, excellent sources of fiber that help the proper functioning of the intestines.
In the case of localized fat, located to exercise without follow up with proper nutrition, or vice versa, will not give the desired results. This is a case where the exercise complements the diet, and need not be a very demanding sport, a good walk apace daily longer be a good addition to the diet.
Monday, 12 October 2015
REVEALED : 5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat
To lose belly fat is recommended to eat healthy foods, but investing in thermogenic is a good way to eliminate localized fat in the abdominal region faster.
The exercises are great because they burn the accumulated fat, improve cardiovascular system and increase metabolism causing the body to spend more energy all day and all night.
The 5 tips to eliminate belly fat are:
1. Taking tea
Besides drinking water should be taken teas because they help to eliminate toxins and help with weight loss. Good examples are green tea, which has catechins that help dry the belly, or a diuretic tea for example, the mixture of dandelion Dandelion with hat Leatherback and sarsaparilla, which help eliminate excess fluids body, desinchando belly.
daily, which helps eliminate toxins. Another tip to increase metabolism is to add 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper coffee in the tea water to help speed up metabolism and burn fat.
2. Exercising
One of the secrets to burn fat is to run in the race because the body uses stored fat as an energy source, but in addition to running is important to do some exercise as localized fitness or bodybuilding to ensure the growth of muscles, to increase metabolism naturally. See great examples: 3 simple exercises to do at home and lose belly.
3. Eat well
To eat well is necessary to make small meals 3 in 3 hours, investing more in vegetables and cereals. Eating fiber at every meal is a great strategy to not get hungry. Write down everything you eat, making a food diary helps to have more sense of everything you're eating, being easier to identify dietary mistakes. See 3 recipes to lose belly.
Also it should be avoided whenever possible, very sweet and fatty foods and frozen ready-to consumidos.A diet to lose belly fat should be based on natural foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins like white meat or tofu. To end the belly fat take regular meals throughout the day, avoiding times when the volume of the meal is very large, thus avoiding the overproduction of insulin and increased fat mass.
4. Regular bowel
Keep the intestine working regularly with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables fibers present. This avoids constipation and use of laxatives that can irritate the bowel swelling and causing gases.
To help regulate the intestines, invest in seeds like sesame, flax and chia, adding 1 tablespoon (soup) at every meal. However, to ensure the elimination of feces, 2 liters of drinking water, juice unsweetened tea every day.
5. Massage the belly with reducing fat cream
Massage located in the belly every day helps to activate blood circulation and to shape the silhouette. The additives must be present in a good cream to burn fat are caffeine or methyl nicotinate as the DMAE reducing gel, the BioMédicin.
It's the fat that toxins are concentrated, so it is very important to ensure proper hydration and thus facilitate their elimination from the intestine and urine, because when there is a large burning fat located there is also a large release of toxins into the body, that must be disposed not to cause swelling and lead to premature aging.
The exercises are great because they burn the accumulated fat, improve cardiovascular system and increase metabolism causing the body to spend more energy all day and all night.
The 5 tips to eliminate belly fat are:
1. Taking tea
Besides drinking water should be taken teas because they help to eliminate toxins and help with weight loss. Good examples are green tea, which has catechins that help dry the belly, or a diuretic tea for example, the mixture of dandelion Dandelion with hat Leatherback and sarsaparilla, which help eliminate excess fluids body, desinchando belly.
daily, which helps eliminate toxins. Another tip to increase metabolism is to add 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper coffee in the tea water to help speed up metabolism and burn fat.
2. Exercising
One of the secrets to burn fat is to run in the race because the body uses stored fat as an energy source, but in addition to running is important to do some exercise as localized fitness or bodybuilding to ensure the growth of muscles, to increase metabolism naturally. See great examples: 3 simple exercises to do at home and lose belly.
3. Eat well
To eat well is necessary to make small meals 3 in 3 hours, investing more in vegetables and cereals. Eating fiber at every meal is a great strategy to not get hungry. Write down everything you eat, making a food diary helps to have more sense of everything you're eating, being easier to identify dietary mistakes. See 3 recipes to lose belly.
Also it should be avoided whenever possible, very sweet and fatty foods and frozen ready-to consumidos.A diet to lose belly fat should be based on natural foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins like white meat or tofu. To end the belly fat take regular meals throughout the day, avoiding times when the volume of the meal is very large, thus avoiding the overproduction of insulin and increased fat mass.
4. Regular bowel
Keep the intestine working regularly with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables fibers present. This avoids constipation and use of laxatives that can irritate the bowel swelling and causing gases.
To help regulate the intestines, invest in seeds like sesame, flax and chia, adding 1 tablespoon (soup) at every meal. However, to ensure the elimination of feces, 2 liters of drinking water, juice unsweetened tea every day.
5. Massage the belly with reducing fat cream
Massage located in the belly every day helps to activate blood circulation and to shape the silhouette. The additives must be present in a good cream to burn fat are caffeine or methyl nicotinate as the DMAE reducing gel, the BioMédicin.
It's the fat that toxins are concentrated, so it is very important to ensure proper hydration and thus facilitate their elimination from the intestine and urine, because when there is a large burning fat located there is also a large release of toxins into the body, that must be disposed not to cause swelling and lead to premature aging.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Waist reduction exercises REVEALED
Waist reduction may seem like a nightmare for some people, while others seem to be blessed with a small trunk. If you want to show your new, reduced waist on the beach, I want to wear a pair of jeans that you have not been able to for years or you want to reduce your waist to your physical health, your goals may be within reach. Combine the proper exercises, with better nutrition to achieve a reduction in their waist.
There is no miracle exercise that will take a shot at her waist the perfect size you want. According to, a sensible diet, core (stomach and back) training and cardio exercise are the components that you need to reduce the waist. Add more fruits, vegetables and lean protein to your diet and avoid sodium, saturated fat, pasta and bread. You need to create a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one kilo of body fat. This will help reduce unwanted fat around your waist. Try to cut 500 calories from your diet per day to lose a kilo a week. You should lose overall body fat in order to see a reduction in waist size.
Waist Reduction Cardio Exercise
Cardio exercise helps to improve the health of your heart, lungs and muscles. Cardio exercise also burns excess body fat. If you are storing extra fat around your waist, cardio is part of the answer. Try participating in cardio exercise for 45 minutes at least five days a week. If you are new to fitness, you can start with as little as 10 minutes of cardio exercise a day and work for 45 minute sessions. says aerobics, cycling, swimming, squash, climbing, cross-country skiing, running, the elliptical trainer, rowing and walking are the best aerobic exercise to burn calories.
Waist Force Reduction Training
You will need to tone your abdominal (stomach) and lower back muscles to create a toned tummy reducing your waistline. Strength training also increases the amount of muscle mass body must, which helps to burn more fat throughout the day. Run the lower back and abdominal exercises for 30 to 45 minutes every day.
Bicycle: This move works every part of your abs. Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head and bring your knees toward your chest. Simultaneously bring your left knee and right shoulder toward each other to straighten the right leg. Extend the left leg and collect the right knee and left shoulder toward the other.
Crunches: This is a great ab exercise. Hold a weight on your chest to increase the intensity of this exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head and hold a weight on your chest. Tighten your abs. Use only the abdominal muscles and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold for a second, at the top of the movement, and use your abs to control his body to the ground.
Back press: Lie face down with hands stretched above her head. Keep your abs tight to support your back throughout the exercise. Raise your arms and legs off the floor at the same time. The highest lift you can, hold for three seconds and release.
Stiff leg squat: This is another great lumbar exercise to reduce waist. You can hold a barbell or dumbbells for this activity. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Bending at the waist until the weight touches the ground. Use your butt and legs to stand back straight. Keep your abs tight to support your lower back.
You want the body figure of your dream READ THIS:How to reduce the flab waist
Most of the fat consumed in women is directed to the abdomen and hips to increase the volume of these zones and creating the hated sagging, also known as tire or lard. These are located around the waist and are quite visible even beneath clothing.
The sagging does not allow us to have a stylized figure and many less we use fair or short clothes. But the time has come to say goodbye to fat around the waist! And having the appearance of your dreams,
You Should primarily eliminate foods with excess fat and fried foods from your daily diet. To burn fat quickly, you can choose to include in your diet to burn fat.
Unfortunately there is no way to burn localized fat, with only cosmetic surgery, just to get rid of the sagging waist should perform exercises to burn fat throughout the body,you can choose to run, jump rope or cycling. You must do exercises for at least 30 minutes and 4 times a week.
Make hula hoop is a good exercise to reduce waist. This consists in spinning a large ring around the waist and rotate with it to keep in the same place. It's a fun exercise and it gives excellent results.
Another exercise you can do at home to reduce sagging is to put a handle of a broom neck, open your legs a bit and turn from one side to the other. Must perform 15 to each side, rest and do 2 more series.
A simple and effective exercise is to stand with your legs slightly apart, place your hands in the neck and lower your torso to one side and then the other. This exercise will help gradually eliminate sagging.
How to lose abdominal fat quickly: 4 practical tips
The first thing you need to know is that to lose belly no good just doing sit-ups. So if you want to know how to lose abdominal fat quickly, read the article below and see all the tips we have prepared for you.
To lose belly you need to combine three factors ...
Win a healed abdomen is the dream of many people, but people do not always take the necessary actions to achieve that goal. Some even invest heavily in abdominal series, but very quickly give up because it does not achieve the desired results.
The fact is that the abdominal alone have the power to burn abdominal fat, so to actually end up with that inconvenience belly, the ideal is to combine three factors: healthy and balanced diet, exercises for the abdomen and aerobic exercise.
Now we present the 04 practical tips that you can start today. With a few simple steps you can favor the loss of abdominal fat, so the order is not wasting time and start as soon as possible.
Tip # 1 - Take good care of your food
To lose belly fat you need to reduce consumption of foods with high glycemic index. Foods rich in high glycemic carbohydrates are absorbed quickly by the body. That's good on the one hand and bad on the other.
The good side is that you get a lot of energy instantaneously. However, hunger will come back very fast, then surely you will feel a great desire to eat something very caloric. Giving in to temptation and eat something, you run the risk of accumulating excess energy as fat. And you know where it goes much fat? That's what you thought! Goes to the stomach.
To combat this problem avoid the consumption of processed foods and sweets, cakes, soft drinks, sandwich cookies, alcohol and sugary foods.
Consume high-fiber foods, as they are excellent for keeping the feeling of satiety for a longer period of time. Also give preference to whole foods.
Keep an eye on the amount of calories you consume daily - it's math, that is, if you need 2,500 calories a day but consumes 3,200 obviously your body will store the excess calories, then you will gain weight and abdominal fat increase rapidly.
Tip # 2 - Fight fluid retention
Not always that unwanted belly is related to excess fat. The human body is composed mainly of water (70-75%). The water is stored in various parts of the body, and the subcutaneous tissue of these points. This water retention can cause bloating.
To minimize a little problem you can decrease sodium intake. How to do this? Eat less salt and drink plenty of water daily to your body eliminate fluids that may be causing swelling in the abdominal area.
You can also consume herbal teas; fruits like melon, watermelon, strawberry, orange and lemon; dark green vegetables; vegetables like beets and carrots; and seasonings such as onions, parsley, ginger and pepper. These foods have properties that help in removing toxins and work very well against water retention.
Tip # 3 - Do cardiovascular exercise
woman correndoOs cardiovascular exercises are those physical activities that involve large muscle groups. These exercises are great for burning fat, and can be of great help for those who want to lose abdominal fat quickly.
Running, walking, swimming, cycling and dancing; are activities that help in burning fat, and besides healthy, can also be quite pleasurable.
Further reading: Aerobic exercise to lose weight: your body needs them
Tip # 4 - Do abdominal exercises
As mentioned above, the abdominal alone do not make a belly disappear, however, when combined with a healthy diet and the practice of cardiovascular exercises, they really can bring many benefits.
But no use exaggerating, it needs to do abdominal intelligently. One tip is to do 08-12 repetitions, 03 times a week.
Final considerations
Know how to lose abdominal fat quickly is the first step, now we need to put into practice what you have learned.
The above tips, if put into practice, can help you lose belly fat in a healthy way and even pleasurable. But do not get what you have learned here only, look for health professionals, do a physical assessment, it certainly will help you optimize the results.
Burning abdominal fat MADE EASY
Abdominal Fat burning is not an easy task. However, it is not very difficult. If you have a real intention to have a flat stomach and you do not know how and where to start the burn process abdominal fat, then do not miss the 10 tips to burn abdominal fat, which we developed specifically for você.Queimar Fat abdominalDica
EAT EVERY 2 or 3 HOURS AND MAKE 5 or 7 MEALS A DAY: Eat little and often during the day is a good way to speed up your metabolism and so you have a thermogenic effect. Combining lean protein with the correct and appropriate types of leafy green vegetables, carbohydrates and a certain amount of fat your metabolism will become a fat burning machine. The amount of macronutrients for consumption depends on each person and their characteristics. Also, learn how to lose weight quickly and healthily, without suffering and without sweating in gyms ...
KNOW THE PROPER TIME TO EAT: If you wait be starving in order to eat, you will probably eat more than you need or eat the first thing that comes up ahead, completely fleeing own goals. So avoid looking harmful food when you are hungry, such as potato chips or candy.
BREAKFAST: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, where we carry all the power to carry out the tasks. By skipping breakfast, you will only get hungrier and affect the metabolism itself. To burn abdominal fat, your body must receive the proper nutrients at the right times, to be able to burn fat reserves without affecting the functioning of the body.
DO NOT BUY HARMFUL FOOD: If you fill your pantry with chips, cakes, sugary drinks and sweets, you also will not hesitate to eat them! The surest way to avoid falling into temptation is always to buy items that are part of your routine and your diet.
When you make a shopping list, be sure you will not end up eating everything you bring home. So make sure that foods are worth buying, this is important. See also how to lose weight quickly and healthily, without suffering and without sweating in gyms ...
PREPARE YOUR MEALS IN ADVANCE: Preparing your meals in advance, it will not happen to you do not know what to eat, so avoid consuming anything. Take one day a week to prepare their menus. Write down what you need to buy. Then plan how will your meals. So, your diet will become easier to follow. It is best to choose a day for this process because it will soon become routine.
DRINK AT LEAST TWO DAY FOR WATER LITRES: Yes, it's the old story, you have to drink at least two liters of water a day. I know you know, but what do you do? ... Do fluid intake throughout the day, so bring a small bottle of water wherever you go. Another tip is to try to control the amount of water you are drinking so that at the end of the day it has a basis how many liters could consume. See also 2 exercise to crack the abdomen
FIBER IS FUNDAMENTAL: If you care about your health, then you certainly know the importance of fiber. Fibers help to improve digestion, stimulate intestinal tract and increase satiety. Between 20 and 25 grams of fiber a day will keep your body in good working order. On a diet to burn abdominal fat, fiber is one of your best allies.
TRAINING WITH INTELLIGENCE: radicals and Hard training do not match the key for weight loss. You will not be able to burn abdominal fat this way, as if the world was ending. You will need to train intelligently, dosing their effort. Keep your concentration and your effort throughout the workout. If you dedicate yourself to make long strenuous exercise, there is the certainty that soon it will abandon the process because no body or mind keep such a pace.
CARDIO: Rather than spend an hour on the treadmill, doing that annoying thing and just waiting to get to the end, try to make weight at a good pace, and after that just do 15-20 minutes of cardio.
This way you will gain muscle and burn abdominal fat at the same time. See also Why Aerobic exercise does not lose weight!
Thursday, 1 October 2015
To Burn body fat is not easy. Those last few pounds are the hardest to burn and sometimes more you try the more they seem not to want to go away. These tips will help you in the difficult task of burning fat and allow you to define yourself in a moment.
1. Adjust Low Intensity Cardio
1This type of cardiovascular exercise is great if you are overweight. It will allow you to push you into a routine more intense because they do not have to stress too much the body early. Usually this is done to a 60% -80% of your potential for 30-60 minutes per session.
2. HIIT Training
Training at high intensity intervals is an advanced method of practicing cardio aiming to burn fat fast: you train at high intensity for series at intervals between exercise and rest. An example might be constituted by two minutes of walking, followed by a run sprint for 30 seconds, to be repeated for 20 minutes until the end.
The difference between the regular cardio and HIIT is that the regular practice sessions can burn fat longer, while HIIT speeds up your metabolism and burns fat for hours after you finish your workout.
3. Cardio after weight training or first thing in the morning
This way your glycogen stores are depleted, especially after training with weights and consequently the body will burn fat as energy supplies. It must be said that this type of training is not essential for fat burning: studies have shown that fat loss occurs more quickly, but at the same time, if you perform a cardio workout on an empty stomach will be difficult, is not a problem do it at another time.
4. Eliminate the bad fats and eat healthy
The power remains crucial in the fight against fat. Fat intake wrong inevitably lead to fat, while eating foods that contain good fats like avocados, nuts and fish, will help you burn more fat in the long term. Try to avoid foods made with sugar and read the label because even foods marked as "low fat" are often 10 times worse than the classic version: replace the sugar with other ingredients that increase calories, which in contrast, they increase the calories.
Consuming foods with one ingredient is a good way to avoid unhealthy foods that hinder weight loss. Eat unprocessed and as close as possible to their natural form, also it ensures an adequate intake of vitamins.
5. Do you drink several liters of water a day
3Bere more water than usual has proved crucial for weight loss and fat burning. Water helps the liver to convert fat into energy. Without forgetting that we are made for more than 70% water, so you have to drink lots of water anyway!
6. Remove the alcohol
Remove the alcohol will help tremendously in losing weight. 4Bere not only adds a ton of calories "empty", but also reduces the appetite and decreases testosterone levels up to 24 hours (testosterone burns fat and helps build muscle). It also reduces the number of calories burned from fat for energy. When we drink alcohol, it is transformed into a substance called acetate, which is used instead of fat as energy. Undoubtedly, your body will retain fat reserves when alcohol consumption.
7. Supplements Fat Burner
5I have a fat burning thermogenic effect on the body and increase the speed at which our body burns fat. As always, of course, they are only supplements and will not work in the absence of proper nutrition and exercise.
8. Sleep enough
6The rest is terribly undervalued. Recovery and muscle growth takes place while we sleep, then at least 8 hours of sleep are essential. Being tired leads to reduced sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that deposits fat. Also you will not have the energy to complete your workouts and you are inclined to skip them when you are tired; there is also the possibility of overtraining and then having to recover for a few weeks.
9. Increase protein intake
A high protein diet promotes faster fat loss. Protein-rich foods help to control hunger pangs and have a greater thermogenic effect: for every 100 calories you eat, your body will burn up to 20 just to break them down.
SEVEN foods to eliminate abdominal fat
Whatever your age, you would surely have a flatter stomach! Especially if you're thinking about a wonderful vacation you will spend at the beach next summer. The current diets contain more fat than you think, but especially poor quality fats that are contrary to your health. And usually they are not very effective. It is also likely that you have already taken some of these slimming products that are useless. So if you really want to eliminate abdominal fat, carefully read what it says on the following foods!
What is fat?
In fact, fat has a bad reputation. Obviously, if we eat poor quality fats, we can have high cholesterol or obese and also have cardiovascular problems.
However, you should know that fat is the substance that allows the body to store energy; that is why we must not completely eliminate it from your diet. Thus the body is not obliged to convert glucose into fat. This serves to protect the organs deal with trauma or maintain our body temperature. They also say that it is a protection for our arteries when vitamin C intake is insufficient, because the body then produces a poor quality collagen.
Abdominal fat
It may be that you have a weight problem, high cholesterol, hypertension or a disease like diabetes. It is important that you consume good fats to feel better mood, to regain confidence in yourself and to forget depression. Make reduce bad abdominal fat and increase good fats, while having a balanced diet and exercising every day!
The 7 foods that will allow you to reduce abdominal fat are listed below;
Olive oil
It's the best oil that exists, particularly virgin olive oil cold pressed extra, which is of a higher quality. It contains unsaturated fats that are good for the organism. It also provides you with many nutrients in a diet low in fat. It allows to assimilate nutrients, synthesize hormones and lowering cholesterol. Remember that it is not necessary to use it for cooking, because its composition is then modified.
These dried fruit contain a large amount of protein, fiber and calcium. At the same time, they provide a vital energy to our body. It's recommended that people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, and those who do a lot of sport. Almonds activate metabolism and to control the level of sugar in the blood. They bring a healthy dose of omega-3 and have a protective action to diseases related to obesity. You can eat alone in cakes or milk.
It is important to include it in slimming diets because it gives a feeling of satiety. It is rich in protein and fiber; it is therefore an ideal food for breakfast. It reduces cholesterol and blood purifier as it contains substances that encapsulate the toxins and fat to remove and dispose of the body. You can use it as breading for the preparation of meat and vegetables.
It's the perfect food to complement a slimming diet. It is good for the bronchi and contains fiber, vitamin C and calcium. All of these nutrients act in such a way that the intestines absorb less fat and that the latter does not accumulate in the arteries. Broccoli also promotes good digestion. It contains few calories and strengthens the immune system. You can enjoy the nature in salads, steamed or with pasta.
These delicious berries contain a lot of water and fiber, and therefore are more recommended than other fruits. When consumed, the body must produce more energy, so in reality their caloric intake is zero. Moreover, raspberries used to activate blood circulation and regulating the sodium. They contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, which inhibit the absorption of sugars and fats.
The salmon
This is one of the best sources of omega-3. At the same time, it provides proteins and used to produce good cholesterol, hormones and bile. He brings a lot of vitamin D, it is good for the nervous system, activates the metabolism and burned the excess abdominal fat. Its fatty acids do not allow grease to accumulate. If you consume the salmon farm, it contains no lead or dioxin, two metals that are found in water.
Green tea
This is the ultimate fat-burning! Like all teas, it aids digestion because it brings water and heat. If you drink at the end of lunch or dinner, you will ensure that the intestinal transit is facilitated, while reducing body temperature, which helps eliminate calories. Green tea stimulates the body, lowers blood pressure, regulates glucose levels, fight against free radicals and promotes the absorption of calcium in bones. It contains an antioxidant called catechin polyphenols, which are used to control hormones, such as stress. Green tea, like red wine, reduces the conversion of sugar into fat, what should the body to store energy. You can drink it at breakfast or snack, but not more than three cups a day!.
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