Wednesday 30 September 2015

5 things you should not do if you want to eliminate body fat

Losing fat is not a simple task. Some thoughts and attitudes, however, more difficult than the process. Meet attitudes and thoughts that you should avoid if you want to eliminate body fat: 1 - Do not count calories Counting calories is essential to achieve weight loss. Forgetting this so important guideline results in extra kilos, "This attitude is about as logical as saying that the car wants to cross country, but do not want to have to pay attention to the fuel tank," says personal trainer. To lose fat, you must burn more calories than you consume. You have to control what we eat, not to extrapolate the daily limits. "If you give the body more energy than it needs, the body will have no incentive to burn fat, the biggest problem that habit is the lack of planning. Without counting calories, people lose sight of the amount consumed per day. 2 - Do more aerobic exercise to lose more weight Aerobic help, but they do not compensate for overeating. If the person eating 600 calories more than you actually need, a basic race, which burns 300 calories, will not make a person lose weight. The remaining 300 calories will be stored as fat. To survive and maintain vital functions, the body burns a certain number of calories course, the basal metabolic rate call (TMB). "The total caloric expenditure in a day is the BMR plus the energy expended in any physical activity, So if the total calorie intake is greater than the basal metabolic rate the more calories lost with aerobics, the person will gain weight. "You can keep doing this for years and never lose weight. In fact, you are likely to put on weight gradually, 3 - Follow the fad diet There are a thousand types of diet and every month arise other new. According to Matthews, some are good and many others are bad. "This diversity is leaving people confused about the right way to lose weight, The result is that they change their diet quite often, failing to achieve the results that both wish. "Also, they accept pretty stupid things simply because they do not understand the physiology of metabolism and fat loss. Rules are rules and there is stylish name or supplement that serves to get rid of it, 4 - Working with light weights and many repetitions Make countless repetitions with light weight does not solve anything in the matter of having a lean and toned appearance. "Increasing muscle mass is a matter of overloading the muscles and let them recover. Lightweights do not overload the muscles, no matter how many reps you do. Remember, fatigue does not promote increased muscle. No overload there is no growth of muscles, 5 - To reduce localized fat with specific exercises You can not reduce fat from a specific part of the body with specific physical exercises. With physical exercise or diet, it is the body who will decide which will eliminate fat first, i.e which areas will get leaner first - and also the parts that will resist more in keeping fats. "Each body has its own genetic programming and there is nothing you can do to change that. We all have our 'fat zones' that hate us all the time and yet, there is nothing to do with genetics, it is possible to stay lean the way you want, just be patient and let the body eliminate way fats which was genetically programmed.


There are several reasons why people want to lose body fat, and there are several ways around proposals to achieve this goal. The methods most commonly used and NOT HEALTHY are crash diets and fad diets.   DIETS RADICAL   Extreme diets proposes a drastic reduction in calories, generally below 900, sometimes 800 to 600 calories / day. They bring many consequences: 1 . Loss of muscle mass and liquid along with the loss of fat. If the person 9 kg weight loss in 20 days, the first will be 2.5 to 4.5 Kg of liquid and the remainder divided between fat and muscle. There is no profit to lose too much weight in such a short space of time because weight loss is to lose weight. Weight loss is to lose fat. 2. Loss of strength and aerobic capacity: as a result there is less oxygen available to the muscle cells to use fat as fuel. 3. Loss of strength: bad for those who practice weight lifting and need to perform intense workouts without fail. 4. Slow metabolism: radical diets slow the metabolic rate, which is the speed the body to convert food into energy and uses them to produce body structures. A woman spends on average between 1200 to 1400 calories a day just to ensure the survival of the cells work. Imagine the harm caused to the normal processes of life when the body is forced to survive on a diet of 600 calories / day.   Crash diets are totally useless because virtually all people who follow such diet types tend to regain the weight they lost, with interest, within one year.   DIETS OF FASHION   Already fad diets are as bad as the radical. The biggest problem is that they are unbalanced from the nutritional point of view (favor particular type of food to the detriment of the other). This imbalance can cut some essential nutrients to health, and other problems such as dehydration and sagging.   THEN WHAT REALLY WORKS FOR FAT LOSS ??   Specific exercise for burning fat coupled with an individualized diet with nutritional balance, supported by an appropriate mix of protein, carbohydrates and fat. That's the way. The first step is to know the real situation, setting a goal and set how much fat needs to be eliminated. Forget household scales, for this evaluation must be done in a qualitative way, and that only one body composition test can give you. You must know the weight and type of fabric constitutes (if fat, muscle or fluid retention) before plan. What would be ideal in terms of body fat? The range considered to healthy women is between 20 and 25% for men and between 15 and 20%. However, for a bodybuilding practitioner, would be desirable lower percentages: 12-18% for women and 6-15% for men. And what better way to lose as much fat and little muscle mass? If you answered low calorie diet, wrong. Diets are here supporting. The process of star is the physical exercise. Because? Because exercise besides burning calories stimulating mechanisms that increase the burning of fat (as opposed to very restrictive diets), raises the metabolic rate and still preserves muscle tissue. Of course it is possible to lose weight with restrictive diets, however lose weight with exercise and diet NOT RESTRICTED preserve muscle mass and keeps the metabolism working, favoring STABILIZATION the affected weight.   INTENSITY, FREQUENCY AND TIME ACTIVITY   Exercise intensity is a determining factor in fat burning. In the aerobic exercise intensity is measured by heart rate. To obtain maximum fat-burning exercise should be strong enough to raise the heart rate to 70 to 85% of the possible maximum heart rate for that person. If the person has difficulty to train with high intensity, you can burn the same amount of fat with lower intensity exercise, increasing longer your practice. Another related option here is the frequency: the more times a week, the greater the calorie expenditure that will be achieved at the end of that week, that month. In the intensity weight refers to the weight rises. (Dr. Luciano de Castro made a reservation on the grounds that there are other ways to enhance the exercise in addition to increasing the load) To be increased in strength and muscle volume, it must be subjected to new challenges (heavier weights) gradually every practice session. The more you develop your muscles, the more efficient it becomes the body in fat burning because the muscles are metabolically very active, and consume large amounts of energy, activity and rest. The efficiency with which the burning body fat depends on the individual level conditioning.   BURN FAT   The problem is that the body only burns fat in the presence of oxygen available. Oxygen must be present for the body to get energy from fat rather than glycogen. And in the early stages of exercise, oxygen is still available. It may take 20-40 minutes for the fat is fully available as fuel, and in the meantime blood glucose and muscle glycogen are used as fuel. After 1 hour of intense exercise glycogen stores (energy ready for use) can decrease the values ​​close to zero. The practice of strength training not only builds muscle but also accelerates the burning of fat. So the perfect combination to get into shape is aerobic FITNESS +. For deeper this point, see the post on aerobic and hypertrophy. CLICK HERE. If the very restrictive diets are bad, then what to do with the food to enhance this loss now that you understand that the best way to get rid of fat is exercise?   GENERAL TIPS   1. Do not starve yourself: your body's ability to reduce the metabolic rate before hunger extreme circumstances is well known to scientists and is called FITNESS FOR HUNGER because it allows the individual to survive longer and with so little food. There is no advantage in eating far fewer calories than the body needs.   2. Correct dietary fat: You can not burn fat preferentially eating bad fats. And the controlled intake of good fats called is needed to enhance the process. It is a post made on the difference of fat HERE.   3. Preserve muscle with protein: proteins help provide satiety, and a diet with fewer calories they certainly do not serve to muscle tissue formation, but the supply of the correct proteins at the correct times, will help preserve muscle mass . The ideal profile for loss dietary fat consists of 30% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 30% fat.   4. Deal with the correct carbohydrates: complex, high-fiber, low-glycemic load. ESSA recent posting on carbohydrates can help you better understand that part.   5. Controlling the diet extra sugar: sugar promotes insulin resistance of the cells, and thus this circulating sugar will be converted by the liver fat. To get rid of fat is necessary to cut foods high in fat and sugar. There is an undeniable link between diet rich in sugar / fat and obesity.   6. Do not skip breakfast: Skipping breakfast, as stated THIS MATTER, has a number of disadvantages to those who want to achieve a healthier weight, with less fat and more muscle mass. Then repeating: What is the best way to lose as much fat and little muscle mass? PHYSICAL EXERCISE

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Eight secrets of successful weight loss and the formation of a beautiful figure by bodybuilders

Bodybuilders have mastered the art of physical transformation - and many people who want to lose weight, can learn from them. Almost everyone who begins a program of fitness or weight loss, they want to look good. Of course, they all want to be healthier, more energetic, but, as the polls show, they all want to look better in clothes and without it. I want to share with you some of the secrets of bodybuilders. This will help you to effectively reduce weight and shape beautiful figure. No one will ask whether you do bodybuilding, but everyone will admire your thin body fit. 1. Monitor your blood sugar levels. There is an old saying that goes, that the success of a bodybuilder is 80% dependent on food. I'm not sure about the interest. But every bodybuilder knows that it all starts with the food. The task of each bodybuilder - to control blood sugar levels. This helps reduce the amount of fat in the body. Achieves this using a food protein, carbohydrates and good fats evenly throughout the day every 2-3 hours. Here's a sample meal schedule: 6.30 - breakfast 9.30 - snack 12.30 - lunch 15.30 - snack 18.00 - Lunch 21.00 - light snack This schedule will have a major impact on reducing the amount of fat. 2. Counting calories. When the most successful bodybuilders preparing for a competition, their goal - to eat more, while continuing to lose fat. For example, if I can lose weight by 0.5 to 1 kg of fat per week at 1,400 calories a day, I'm on the right track. If I try to speed up the process and reduce the number of calories to 1,200, my efforts turn to ashes. Reduction in fat mass greater than 1 kg per week reduce muscle tissue. A good example can serve a person on the enhanced diet, which in the end lose weight, but his body becomes flabby. This is because along with the fat it will lose muscle mass. Man too has sharply reduced calorie intake too quickly thin and do not consume enough calories for a proper reduction in fat mass. Many people also complain that after 4-5 weeks of weight loss, they get stuck at a standstill. Why is this happening? The temperature T3 (thyroid hormone) decreases. This reduction is very small, and can not see, but it slows down the rate of metabolism. To avoid this, it is necessary to slightly increase the number of calories consumed. I do not want to say that it is necessary to increase the amount of calories, if you are stuck in place. Often this is because people do not strictly adhere to the diet or in his diet more calories than he suggests. If bodybuilder faced with the situation on the ground fading due to lack of calories, it will increase daily caloric intake by 300-400 calories every fourth day (this is called calorie cyclical). To reiterate: consume an optimal amount of food to get rid of excess fat. 3. Eat breakfast A balanced breakfast consisting of carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat - required to start the day. The point is that breakfast stops starvation caused by a night's sleep. Furthermore, breakfast accelerate the metabolism throughout the day. On the entire planet there are not a bodybuilder who would have missed breakfast. This is the first opportunity during the day to return blood sugar levels to normal after an overnight fast, which is an important condition for reducing fat. 4. Calculation of the ratio of calories. Calorie - no calories. Do you know people who say that you just need to reduce the amount of calories to lose weight? If they never mention the carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which means that they are wrong. The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is very important. Correctly ratio (which may vary somewhat depending on the individual response to food) helps to stabilize blood sugar, which in turn increases the level of energy and accelerates the reduction in weight. In general, it is best to start with 40-50% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein and 20-30% healthy fats. Bodybuilder reduce the intake of carbohydrates before competition, but they should be enough to maintain energy levels and muscle mass. If enough carbohydrates, the muscles will look flabby. Protein is also important for building and maintaining lean muscle mass, which in turn helps to burn more fat. 5. Lifting weights In order to comply with the correct ratio of fat and muscle mass, you need to lift weights. Bodybuilders not make it 2 hours a day. Most of them realize that such training is best carried out not more than 60 minutes. You do not need this training as bodybuilders, you need to lift weights at least three times a week (every other day). 6. Cardio Workouts Most people believe that the bodybuilders do exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system. However, the difference between bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts is that the bodybuilder can use these exercises as a tool that would be to lose weight. He will conduct a training session for about 30 minutes. If the fat mass does not decrease, not increase the duration of the bodybuilder and strength training - interval cardio training (alternating several minutes slower intensity level with a few minutes of high intensity). Intervals very good metabolism. It is a mistake to think that such exercises should be done 2 hours a day. Start moderately, adding 5 minutes per day, or go to interval training, if you do not lose weight in two weeks. This is assuming that you consume enough calories. 7. Water consumption One of the main functions of the liver - the conversion of stored fat into energy. It needs to consume sufficient water. Another function of the liver - is to rid the body of waste products by the kidneys, which need huge amounts of water for normal functioning (many people do not even realize how much). If the kidneys lack of water, the liver takes over some of their functions, without ceasing to perform their own (impairing the overall efficiency of the work). The liver can not metabolize fat quickly and efficiently, and you accumulate stocks of unprocessed fat. Water - an underrated tool to reduce weight. 8. Discipline This word is not commonly used in the industry of fitness. It's a pity. Bodybuilder training, even when he has no desire; He keeps to a diet even when you do not want. It's all about discipline. You also build your body and your mind (your mind). Without this, all efforts are useless.

Monday 28 September 2015

REDUCING FAT: 15 of the most effective exercises without equipment

These magnificent exercises help lose weight, increase your stamina, build flexibility and strength, and to carry them out, you will need no more than 30 minutes a day. Try? We would like to introduce the most fashionable at the present time employment system, which is called the metabolic training. We consider the most effective exercises for weight loss. This system uses the power of high-intensity interval training with special exercises acting on the muscles of the whole body and, most importantly, allows you to burn calories not only during but also after school. Follow the steps below the exercise for 30 seconds at the beginning and then with increasing your fitness, add 5-10 seconds, thus bringing the execution of up to 60 seconds. You must perform the movements with maximum efficiency, so that the heart rate was quite intense, but in this case you get the intended benefit. Time for rest between exercises should not exceed 30 seconds. Mix and match the sequence as you like, but try not to carry out several consecutive exercises that load the same muscle group. By alternating the load on the hands and feet, back and press, you avoid fatigue and can sustain a high pace throughout the workout. All exercises are accompanied by clear illustrations and step by step, where necessary, demonstration videos, so that problems with their development should not be. 1. Movement skier These movements are a great alternative to the usual jump, heavily load the entire body, especially the thighs and the back of the back. 2. Dance predator This movement, dance-like monster from the movie "Predator" is the fastest way to a good warm up not only your ankles and hips, and shoulder girdle muscles. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keep both hands in front of you, palms together. Bend your knees and lower body in a crouch, while spreading his hands apart and squeezing your shoulder blades together behind. Transfer the weight to the right leg, then the left leg, then return back to the center and get up to the starting position. Gradually increase the speed and range of motion. 3. Skating This dynamic exercise load your hips and heart, not putting too much stress on the knees, the other jumps. The movement simulates speed skating. 4. Explosive pushups There are many different push-ups, but it is one of the best. Even if you are not bad mastered the usual push-ups, in this exercise you have pretty sweat. It will load not only the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back, thighs, buttocks. 5. Jumping into poluprisede These movements are an excellent alternative to conventional squat. Allowing good load leg muscles at the same time they do not pose a risk to your knees. 6. Running on the step This exercise is well familiar to everyone, and is a kind of running in place. It allows you to make the most of your calories in minimum time. Place your left foot on a small hill in front (even suitable stack of several books). Fast hopping movement of the legs and change the position of the feet on the opposite, with his hands commit a symmetrical movement. The legs should be slightly bent, and movement - springy and soft. 7. Burpees Popular exercise, however, that there is no corresponding name in Russian. This move is the rapid adoption of the stop lying and is one of the best fat burners, impacting virtually all muscles of the body. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 8. Jumping at the stop lying This exercise might seem a bit unusual and even extreme. However, it is not necessary to do just jumping with large amplitude. Enough small movements first, then gradually increase the amplitude of the legs and the rebound from the ground. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 9. Steps on the bench This exercise is to burn fat in the buttocks, where it is, in general, more than anything. It can run as usual steps on the bench, and that more intensive version - with a jump up. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 10. Frog ups Frogs have powerful legs, for which they are so fond of some chefs. This type of push-ups will help you develop no less powerful legs, and will work your abs, arms, chest. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 11. Walk the Bear When he was a child we learned to crawl and then to walk alone. Now you need to go through the reverse process and learn how to move around on all fours, just like bears do. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 12. Walk crab While the previous exercise is working perfectly all the muscles in the front of the body, the crab movement directed shoulders, back, buttocks and thighs. 13. Attacks foot in the emphasis lying This exercise may require some development, since its implementation requires not only strength, but agility. However, as a result, almost dance steps, you will feel like the fat literally disappears from your belly. 14. Walking in poluprisede This is a favorite exercise of all Soviet coach who brought us into a frenzy in sports sections, and sometimes physical education classes. And no wonder - this movement is not only great pressure on the legs, but also develops balance and endurance. Sometimes it is done with the hands on or above the head. 15. Walking with lunge This motion is directed primarily to the lower part of the body. It can be done with lifting the knee up and just lunge with the feet as in the video. Good you practice!

Saturday 26 September 2015

Save fat and lose weight with the Low Fat Diet

A lower consumption of fats in a healthy way to lose excess pounds, the principle of low fat diets is. In Low Fat it comes to respect an upper limit that allows 60 grams of fat a day, or even 30 grams, depending on the severity of the diet. 30 grams of the variant is also known as Low Fat 30.

How useful is this approach you lose weight, it quickly becomes clear when you consider that fat with 9 calories per gram of energy-rich nutrient - apart from alcohol, which puts it in the same number of calories. Proteins and carbohydrates on the other hand have only about 4 calories per gram. Of course, the organism also needs quality fats to stay healthy and be able to fulfill all the functions, but at least in many Western industrialized countries the per capita consumption of fats with 120 g daily much higher than necessary and conducive to health.

Compliance with a low fat diet, in which mainly the consumption of animal fats is limited, not only the figure benefits, but also helps many lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention, must be read as on From test portals and nutrition experts, the Low Fat Diets get almost all good to very good ratings and are referred to as meaningful concepts to healthy weight loss. Apart from the strict low fat diet 30 variant, a low-fat diet is also very good as a permanent way of life.

How does the Low Fat Diet? explains how the Low Fat diet works and what to consider in their implementation: Depending on how much fat is to be saved, maximum every third Calorie may come from fat. For the strict Low Fat Diet 30, this represents a maximum consumption of 30 grams of fat in the moderate variant an upper limit of 60 grams should not be exceeded. The grease cap of 60 grams should be maintained even after successful weight reduction with Low Fat 30, so that no yo-yo effect is established. However, it is not only the quantity but also on the quality of fats, vegetable oils so the preference should be given before animal fats. Fats, sea fish such as salmon and mackerel, and nuts should be included in the diet plan so that the body is supplied enough unsaturated fatty acids.

To implement the low fat diet in practice, there are various aids. In addition to the partly paid 30 Low Fat Diet portals that give the users weightloss tips for a low-fat diet, can be found online grocery lists that provide information on the fat content of individual foods. When shopping at the grocery store also helps also to look at the manufacturer's instructions, which also shed light on the fat content of products supply (Source: Make use of the manufacturer of the traffic light system, it is even easier, the fat to be distinguished from high-fat foods, because a green dot means low fat or low fat, while a red dot is a warning signal and indicates a high fat content.

The Low Fat Diet in practice
The site once researched what a day can look with Low Fat: For breakfast there is for example a roll with 30 grams of turkey breast and some vegetables, and a glass of orange juice and coffee or tea. Lunch with the Low Fat Diet Plan provides 260 grams of potatoes, steamed pollack and steamed vegetables in broth. As a snack, there is a piece of fruit of your choice, and dinner consists of two slices of wholemeal bread, four tablespoons of low-fat quark with herbs and 150 grams of tomato and cucumber salad with a fat-free dressing.

The Low Fat Diet so all foods are generally allowed, provided that the fat limit is adhered to and attention is paid to the adequate intake of essential fatty acids. Even white flour products and sugar are not prohibited where it has also highlighted the benefits of whole grains with their complex carbohydrates.

What foods and which formulation types for a low fat diet are especially useful is to learn to and Ideal Low Fat foods are mainly fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meats with meat in the low-fat diet only should play a subordinate role. In the preparation of food should be set to low fat versions because it can be saved very many calories. Braising, grilling, in Römertopf, in wok or Teflon pans meals are prepare simple ways to feed themselves according to the principles of Low Fat model and save preparation fats.

Thus at the end of the day determines the fat balance, visible fat on meat pieces should be cut before eating or before preparing. Buyer of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese, it helps to give the reduced fat products prefer: Instead of whole milk so milk should fat content be purchased with 1.5 percent, and instead of Camembert with 45 percent in the dry matter rather of 30 percent fat. Ready salad dressings, Majonäsesalate, Teewurst, chocolate, chips and other junk foods should better remain the exception, if it is to work out with the Low Fat Diet.

Test results and experiences with the Low Fat Diet
Stiftung Warentest has taken the most severe form of Low Fat Diets under the microscope and comes under to the conclusion that low fat 30 a reasonable approach is to save by a lower fat intake calories. 30 percent fat calories per day are enough to fill you up and provide the body with all the essential fatty acids. This view is shared according the German Nutrition Society, said the recommendation of the low-fat diet, however, only applies if preferred vegetable fats and oils are used. points out that it would be possible in Low Fat 30, in extreme cases, to feed exclusively on gummy bears, without violating the rules of diet! The diet Portal sees a weakness of this form of nutrition is that it is left to the dieters themselves, to ensure a varied diet. The danger is that with low fat too rigid on the fat content of the food is very healthy and looked, albeit high-fat foods such as nuts and vegetable oils could be neglected. Anyone who wants to avoid it, so you should stick to the recipes in the Low Fat 30 cookbooks, because otherwise it is difficult to get the fat reduction with a healthy diet in line.

Yet another shortcoming of Low Fat 30 see the testers when they point out that the importance of the movement is not appreciated enough in depth while losing weight and stay up to leave more or less even in this respect the dieters. However, most serious appears the accusation, the Low Fat Diet 30 neglecting the role of simple carbohydrates (sugar) in the pathogenesis of obesity. In fact, it is not only too much fat, which is responsible for ensuring that it is increasing, but just as an excess of carbohydrates (and proteins). Not fat makes you fat, but the fact that more calories are taken when the organism is used up. Whether the calories now come from fat or sugar - what the body is not currently required, is stored in the form of fat deposits.

The portal finally comes to the conclusion that with Low Fat 30 although there is no permanent change in diet, but that alone reducing the amount of fat that affect already positive. Particularly positive is judged that the low fat diet does not require additional food that they can be easily integrated into everyday life, and that no calories must be counted. Since it is also possible to eat a fat treat when saved in accordance with the fat in other foods, it is also not difficult to endure Low Fat over a long period. Neither malnutrition still the dreaded yo-yo effect is to be expected with the correct implementation of the Low Fat Diet.

Final assessment of the Low Fat Diet
The Benefits of Low Fat:

The Low Fat Diet is simple, suitable for everyday use and inexpensive, since it does not require additional food.
A low-fat diet will not only help you lose weight, but also prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke.
If primarily animal fats can be saved and will be provided for a varied mixed diet, the low fat diet can be carried out indefinitely, without that is expected to deficiency symptoms. On an adequate intake of vegetable fats and oils must be ensured, however.
Low Fat does not require food bans and even without counting calories.
The disadvantages of Low Fat:

The little one-sided concentration on fat can cause indeed disappear completely fat but very healthy foods from your diet.
The role of carbohydrates in the development of obesity is not enough to bear. This also applies to the importance of sport and exercise in losing weight.
If the fat savings exaggerated, a lack of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins could adapt to life.

Lower Your cholesterol

It helps a healthy diet and regular exercise to reduce the level of cholesterol in your blood.

It will help to adopt healthy habits, such as eating a healthy and balanced diet and exercise, also in preventing cholesterol levels have to rise in the first place.

It is important to keep the cholesterol under control because high cholesterol levels increase the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

If you're concerned about cholesterol you have, talk to your doctor.

Foods that contain cholesterol

Some foods contain cholesterol. This is called a type of cholesterol food cholesterol. Foods such as kidney, eggs and shrimp richest food cholesterol from other foods.

The effect of cholesterol found in food at the level of cholesterol in your blood is much less than the amount of saturated fat you eat.

If your doctor may advise you to change your diet to lower cholesterol in your blood, the most important thing to do is to reduce the saturated fat. It seems it's a good idea to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber.

Fat and cholesterol

There are two main types of fat - saturated and unsaturated. It can raise eating foods that contain a high percentage of saturated fat, cholesterol levels in the blood. Most people eat a lot of saturated fat.

Foods that contain a high percentage of saturated fat include:
• Pasties
• sausages and fatty cut of meat
• Butter
• margarine
• animal fat
• precious
• Hard cheese
• cakes and biscuits
• foods containing coconut or palm oil

It could help eating foods that contain unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Try replacing foods high in saturated fat with those that contain high levels of unsaturated fat, such as:
• oily fish (such as mackerel, salmon)
• nuts (such as almonds, cashews)
• seeds (such as sunflower and pumpkin)
• vegetable oils and removable fat foods (such as sunflower oil, olive, corn, walnut and rapeseed)

Can raise unsaturated fat cholesterol levels as well. Hydrogenated fats occur naturally and at low levels in some foods, such as animal products, including meat and dairy products.

It can be found artificial trans fats in hydrogenated fat, so some processing contain foods such as biscuits and cakes on the unsaturated fat.

As part of a healthy diet, try to reduce the foods that contain trans fats or saturated fats and replace them with foods that contain unsaturated fats.

You should also reduce the total amount of fat in your diet. Try heating in the microwave, cooking by steaming, boiling, boiling or grilling instead of frying or roasting. Select pieces of fat-free meat and fat Pick a few varieties of dairy products and foods negotiable fat, or eating only a small amount of full-fat varieties.

Fiber and cholesterol
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There are two different types of fiber - soluble fiber and fiber is soluble. Most foods contain a mixture of both.

It can be digested by the body soluble fiber (can not digest fiber is soluble), where it can help reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Good sources of soluble fiber include:
• Oatmeal
• beans
• peas
• Lentils
• chickpeas
• fruits and vegetables

Try to include a lot of these foods in your diet. Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Learn more about eating five meals a day.

Discounted products for cholesterol

There is evidence that foods containing certain added ingredients, such as plant sterols and Alstanol, can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

It can be found on the sterols and Alstanol developed in particular products, such as some of the midwife and milk fat foods.

These foods are geared for people who need to lower cholesterol levels. It should not be on people who do not have high blood cholesterol to eat these products on a regular basis, especially children, pregnant women or nursing mothers.

If your doctor tells you that you have high blood cholesterol, you can lower it by changing your diet without having to take special products.

If you are taking allocated to lower cholesterol foods, read the label carefully to avoid eating too much.

Stay active

Can an active lifestyle that also helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Activities can range from walking and cycling to more active exercises, such as jogging and dancing.

It can improve to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise a week of cholesterol levels.
Attack moderate-intensity exercise that is doing enough to raise the heart rate and sweat excreted.

To see if you are practicing moderate exercise cardiac strongly Valmkies is the possibility of talking but not being able to sing a song.

Learn more about the increased activity and achieve the recommended levels of activity.


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  Information provided is not a substitute for specialist medical advice or specialist diagnosis. We strongly recommend that always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition or your health the public.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Foods that help us reduce fat

Thinner is not always an easy task, and it normally costs us remove fat from a particular area of ​​the body where it tends to accumulate without us can do anything about it?
Eliminate stubborn fat in our body is simple if we know how to do it, is that it is not necessary to follow strict diets or anything like that, but fundamental eating foods that help us to eliminate fats or get our body do not store. Since Vitónica we are going to give a list of 10 foods that will help us in this work.

Cabbage both raw and cooked is critical because they are high in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, niacin, calcium, magnesium ... helps the body metabolize fat better. Citrus, particularly oranges, as is proven to get lower levels of blood sugar as well as being good allies in weight loss.
We must not forget the beet, which contains high doses of betanin, a substance that enhances the activity of the kidney allowing more body fat removed. Like the apple contains pectin in its shell, a gelatinous substance that slows digestion and creates a feeling of satiety. But it also has an important role in absorbing fats.

Onions and garlic are important for their ability to speed up metabolism preventing the fats accumulate. Lettuce is a good ally, as it contains high doses of iron and magnesium, which help the body burn fat, plus give us a number of other important nutrients to our body.

Meat is important to be white, bird preferably, they contain less fat. Of course, you always have to cook skinless. If we eat meat otherwise it is advisable to choose lean meats like veal, rabbit, hare ... It is important to use sauces like mayonnaise. If we add flavor to our dishes we can use lemon juice or mustard, which is accelerating metabolic properties.

Cereals should be a main food. Oatmeal is one of the best options because it is hard to digest what is greater satiety as well as help to reduce cholesterol. The spices are very desirable to combat fats, namely cinnamon accelerates the metabolism of sugar and lower blood levels. And the ginger, which accelerates metabolic functioning.

Treatment to reduce fat from your legs

To reduce fat in the legs and maintain muscle tone, including chicken, turkey and fish in your diet as they are rich in proteínas.Tratamiento to reduce fat from your legs Pin-it! comments
Undoubtedly, this slim body is often very difficult, rather than the abdomen. It is that fat that accumulates in the legs and buttocks is not removed as easily. It is fixed and seems unwilling to "go." Unless you consider the following integral and natural treatment to say goodbye once and for all that fat that covers your legs.

Exercises to reduce fat legs
This is the first step. It is not at all difficult, just exercising daily. Some of the options available are:

Walks each day is a very complete sport not only for your legs but also for your respiratory and circulatory system. You can use a pedometer. When you reach 10 000, paras. To not get tired so you must use proper shoes for exercise. The results will see them in a month if you are consistent.
Running:'ll spend energy and burn fat. You must do at least three times a week. Always choose a flat route, without inclination, for the first time. Then if you dare you can go up a slope or a steep street, so your quads and calves increase in muscle, but not in terms of fat.
Cycling: can be fixed or to take you for a walk, that's up to you. Cycling helps you burn calories (about 600 in an hour) and is very good for removing fat from the legs, but also to exercise the cardio.

Floor Exercises: you can lie on your back and lift your legs straight until they are perpendicular to the floor, then lower them untouched. You can do 60 repetitions per day. Another option is to lie on your side and lift one leg, like a scissors that opens and closes.

Pilates: it is one of the best exercises for the legs do not have even a gram of fat. Best of all is that as you're lying on a stretcher and movement make ropes and pulleys, you will not feel it at all. Do not forget to hydrate throughout the class.
Swimming: This sport is really very comprehensive and will help in several areas, not just in your legs. The good thing is that being in a different medium (water), kicking movements you do or not to advance both feel that if you are in a gym. A turn is good for the lungs and heart.
He uses a stability ball: many schools have these giant balls that you can use to lie above or put your legs and lift your hips to roll them back. At first it can give you vertigo, but do not worry, persevere and prevail.
Use the elliptical or the climber: both are really good for removing fat from the legs. You will exercise quite that area and become slim, no doubt. All gyms have them. Add them to your daily or weekly routine.

Food is essential to reduce fat legs
Eating a healthy diet is what you need to make your legs look slim and beautiful. To do this, you should eat more protein, more satisfying and you maintain muscle tone. Be sure to include chicken, turkey and fish in your diet plan.

In addition, fruits and vegetables are essential in your diet because you provide dietary fiber, in turn, reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in your body.


Drink plenty of water, 8 to 10 glasses per day. This is good to eliminate all toxins from your body through urine, keep hydrated, soft and shiny skin and stay hydrated when you exercise.

Avoid foods and processed, packaged, high fat, sugar, canned food, salty, additives or preservatives. Cookies, ice cream, chocolates, cakes and fast food are full of calories turn into fat which then accumulate in your legs.

Final recommendations
Know that there is no magic trick or legs to refine the overnight, you have to be consistent and pay close attention to what you eat and do the right exercises for that area. However, remember that you can not only slimming legs, but also other parts of the body, so if you care about your "lower half", training in specific areas to sports or activities mentioned above. Although you know that you can reduce fat elsewhere if they are accumulating.

Do not starve yourself, prohibitive diets are not a good idea. It is best to have a, where consume all, but more balanced healthy eating plan. Not eating is not the solution if you want to lose weight, because the body does not receive food slows the metabolism to save energy, consuming lean tissues instead of fat (the body does not like eating fats). In this way it is "prepared" for times when you do not receive food.

Note that the results may be delayed. Many people wish that the effects are seen from one day to the other, but does not work this way. Slow and steady steps are the key to success.

Finally, you accept your body as it is. While it is true that exercise is good for health, do not kill yourself in the gym to get the legs of a model. Sometimes genetics will not let you do it. Do not follow everyone diets that make you suffer, enjoy your body and so will be much happier. You can be active to feel good about yourself or overweight becomes dangerous for your health, also to be better for your wedding or an important event, but do not give too much thought to the subject.


Cellulite Basics

What causes cellulite:

Lack of the right type of exercise
Hormonal changes
Overproduction of estrogen
And excessive consumption of saturated fats and sugary products.
90% of all women have some amount of cellulite; in your body. Cellulite particularly affects women over 35 years old.

Lack of proper exercises

Some resistance training exercises, simple but goals, and a protein supplement can help to give muscle tone. Poor dietary choices along with daily stress can cause hormonal problems for many women. Our main objective will be to fight overproduction of estrogen and cortisol.

Poor diet

Filling your body with bad fats, sugar and chemicals, can lead to hormonal changes and excess storage of fat in the lower body. Instead of reducing calories and trying to lose weight, we will focus on making simple substitutions of some common foods you probably consume. These two things can improve body composition.

What really is cellulite?

The average woman loses five pounds of muscle and replaces it with about 15 pounds of fat every decade of his adult life.

The ONLY way to get rid of it for ever is to tone muscle and skin in the affected areas; if you are ready to stop being embarrassed with clothes ... if you are ready to stop avoiding bikinis and shorts ... then I promise you, that can be achieved using the program you are about to read. Best of all, once you see how easy and docile that this is actually scheduled, you will be able to get rid of cellulite for good.


When an intense muscle massage is given, it increases blood flow and inflammation that occurs, which temporarily stretches the skin. What makes it a little less noticeable for a short time. This is not a practical solution for cellulite.

Creams to treat cellulite

The anti cellulite creams are the most ridiculous product in this market and are rapidly being removed therefrom by misleading advertising.

So how do I get rid of it?

There are thousands of different "cures", such as creams, supplements, massage and even surgery. Unfortunately, these solutions are temporary at best, and not reduce or eliminate cellulite at all. Any topical product or massage treatment you purchase has a function - increase blood flow to the area because of the swelling. This causes the appearance of cellulite temporarily less visible. As soon as the effects wear off you're back where you started.

Many women cringe at the sound of resistance training or weight training because they think they will get more volume.

This is a common misconception. It is very difficult for women to develop bulky muscle mass, especially if they follow a good routine. A proper routine will make your body and problem areas, smaller, will give more strength, and this will help you burn fat faster than with aerobic exercise routines apply a concept of repeat 15-25; that will shape not size when working, the exercises should be performed with a short rest between sets to allow us to drink only a little water. This type of training creates more muscle while still burning fat.

Aerobic training no muscle tone, and muscle tone is the only quick cure for cellulite, women need to incorporate into their training routines gym, small weights, to develop the body you want to have, this gives us:

Slow the aging of the bone structure and increasing bone mass.
Improve strength and function of tendons and ligaments.
Increase metabolism by building muscle. For every pound of muscle built, about 50 calories per day will be burned at rest.
Replaces lost half a pound of muscle every year, as we age, from 30 years old.
Diet cellulite

Towards a cellulite free body

Here are some simple tips you can follow to help reduce cellulite:

Eat a balanced diet consisting of the proper ratio of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats.
The diet should contain high amount of fiber and lean protein.
The intake of trans fats should be eliminated completely, saturated fats should be minimized.
Eat foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Avoid fast food and junk foods which contain bad cholesterol.
Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Drink at least 2 liters of water every day and avoid sugary drinks with caffeine.
Take daily multivitamin and fish oil capsules.
Limit consumption of alcohol, snuff and sugary drinks as these are known to increase cellulite and slow metabolism (as well as cause other health problems).

Replacing foods

Some simple substitutions that can help burn cellulite.

Here are some simple things you can do to get rid of cellulite without giving up the foods you love:

Butter and margarine are the most common sources of trans fats - butter replace free of trans fats.
Replace soft drinks with sugar and caffeine for water - if absolutely necessary a dose of caffeine, drink coffee, but limit yourself to one cup per day - if you absolutely need a drink, drink a diet soda.
Avoid fast food as far as possible - cook their food in a few healthy oils that are loaded with saturated fat and trans fat - if you have no choice most chains offer low calorie menu
Replace fatty meats with lean meats - there are often alternatives to fatty meats such as bacon, sausages and burgers that have such good taste - for example, replaces pork sausage sausage chicken, burgers or turkey burgers lean beef and regular bacon for turkey bacon.
Replace breads and grains produced by whole grains - if you see the words "bleached" or "enriched" in the package are processed, which is equivalent to sugar.

Secrets of the fight against cellulite

Six simple tricks to help reduce cellulite fast

In addition to replacing a simple meal, here are some additional tricks that can tone and thicken the skin, burn fat and quickly reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid stimulates collagen production more effectively than any other acid, for their small molecule allows it to slide beneath the epidermis to reach the collagen fibers that follow.

In clinical trials turned out 15% - 25% more thickening in 12 weeks. Glycolic acid generally cause little or no visible peeling, as do some other acids.

Hip Oil rosette

It is especially effective after a chemical peel, preferably glycolic acid, as it is a very strong moisturizer and glycolic acid can dry the skin and cause redness.

Help, smoothing and tightening the skin at the same time.


Water helps remove toxins from the body, drink plenty of cold water increases metabolism and helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Fish oil

Fish oil is perhaps the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are not only good for the heart, but also for the skin. Suitable oil supplements fish, they can define and strengthen your problem areas and further reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Cellulite is more pronounced in women with muscles and sagging skin, so the skin, such as muscles, also need protein to tone up and reassert itself. The dramatic increase in protein in your diet helps to tone the skin and muscles, and improve body composition.

Try to eat about 0.6 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass every day, you begin to see significant improvements in eight weeks.


It stimulates cell renewal and has been shown to increase collagen production. This is useful for cellulite, because it can be applied to the thin skin on thighs and buttocks.

Hormones and cellulite

Know hormones that cause cellulite are and how to combat them

The two main hormones that we need to control are estrogen and cortisol.


Excessive production of estrogen results in increased fat storage thighs and buttocks, also breaks up the collagen fibers in the skin which can cause cellulite and stretch marks.

The overproduction of estrogen may come from several causes, poor diet, lack of physical activity, certain methods of birth control and pregnancy.

Physical activity reduces excess estrogen production by simply reducing saturated and trans fats in the diet, and making some simple resistance exercises several times a week, you can easily control this problem.


Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, also it increases fat storage, muscle ruptures, and the collagen in the skin breaks.

To combat cortisol:

Eat small meals at regular intervals throughout the day, it increases cortisol Skipping a meal.
Reduce stress, try breathing exercises, meditation, whatever it takes.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can greatly peak cortisol production.
Avoid stimulants such as caffeine. Studies show that caffeine can increase levels of cortisol and stress.
Anti cellulite Training

In fact exercise is the quickest and most effective to get rid of cellulite for good way.

Resistance training is the most important program because it helps tone the muscles under the cellulite and also increases metabolism and burns fat.

Resistance training

Problem areas, the muscles that make up this problem are mainly the buttocks and hamstrings or Femoral Biceps.

The buttocks are the buttocks muscles, and consist of three smaller muscles. The hamstrings are the hamstrings or back of the thighs and consist of four muscles.

Specific exercises

Compound movements are movements that work more than one muscle group at a time. These exercises can tone problem areas quickly and increase your metabolism to burn fat (and cellulite).

Compound exercises

The squats are the most important compound exercise thighs and buttocks. It's as easy as that! If you do not have access to a gym, you can do this with only his arms pointing outward.


Low intensity cardio

Walking uphill (helps tone glutes)
Climbing stairs (helps burn fat and tone buttocks at the same time)
You may be disappointed to learn that the elimination of cellulite requires changes in your diet and exercise performance, but it is a simple fact. if not to make the effort, then you can continue to lose hundreds of pesos in tricks and deception that do nothing to hide the problem temporarily.



Reduce fat and improve muscle mass (fat-free) is a common goal for many athletes. In fact, in many different sports categories based on weight (eg in almost all combat sports), which require their practitioners, if they want to compete with chances of success, to have a body with more muscle and establishing less fat. In other forms of contact sports such as basketball, handball, rugby, etc ... something happens ... And outside the professional or amateur competition we can not ignore that there are many people who play sports with the main objective of improve body image and health.

In addition, a lifestyle that combines exercise and supplementation habits and proper sports nutrition is not only good for our image and our health but also revolutionized our minds these days ...

How can we reduce our body fat percentage?

A stable and lasting reduction of fat is achieved quickly and effectively with an optimal combination of exercise, sports nutrition and ergogenic sport supplements. These factors are controllable, on which we can act, but we must not forget that there are also other important factors that will condition significantly our percentage of fat mass. Genetics, for example, is an immovable factor that affects our physiology and ease that we have to get rid of excess fat.

To lose fat there are countless methods and, above all, there are many topics that sometimes make the athlete is lost in endless tips little validity.

In this article we will review ten tips are based on published scientific studies and can serve most athletes to improve the percentage of muscle mass / fat mass very effectively.


Exercise, diet and sports supplements

To reduce body fat stores must combine adequate exercise with a balanced sports nutrition, adapted to our caloric expenditure, not to mention some very important allies that are going to help significantly in the activation process of lipolysis and maintaining lean mass .... ergogenic sport supplements.

Once we get the right fat percentage, your body does not set up the new body composition after one year, therefore our body composition will tend to return to the way it was if we are not long enough keeping the new composition. After this period of adaptation of our body we have the advantage that we will be much easier to keep in the percentages of fat, muscle mass and water already achieved.

There is a strong interaction between exercise, nutrition (nutrients we bring in the diet), the time of day you eat food, and physiological processes that allow us to activate lipolysis and the recovery of energy stores and protein synthesis .

This means that we are able to plan strategies so that there is a major change in the morphology of the body and the enzymatic pathways that allow us to achieve these changes, but it must be done correctly and, above all, be consistent and give time our body enough to consolidate these changes.

For example, it is known that there is a change affecting the metabolism of fats and utilization at rest (reduced fat), must spend at least three weeks and, in general, is achieved through an aerobic workout of medium intensity for at least three hours a week.

Another important thing to consider is the importance of increasing muscle mass, which is the most metabolically active, although not intended to reach advanced levels of muscle density as a bodybuilder. This increase in muscle mass would simply be a great help to make more effective fat reduction, to preserve the health and immunity and also have better shape and muscle tone (aesthetics). Unfortunately, it is still common misconception that combine aerobic exercise with weight machines work is not compatible with reduced fat.

It would be desirable and, in fact, if properly planned exercise, sports nutrition and sports supplements occurs in this way, we lost more fat than weight on the scale, synonymous with that we also gain muscle mass.

Another factor to consider is be encouraged by obtaining improvements. To do this, follow the percentages of fat / muscle through plicometría or bioimpedance measurements and muscle contours, interesting to go assess progress tools is advised. For those who have no way to access the bioimpedance or take measures skinfold thickness, can take at least reference weight weekly, always at the same time without clothes and measure at least the outline of the waist in man and waist, buttocks and hips in women.


1-Reduce your caloric intake slightly.

We must not make the mistake of drastically reducing the total daily calorie intake. This often leads to a situation of lack of basic nutrients and especially a significant slowing of metabolism with the risk that, when the diet is abandoned, the lost weight and sometimes even more fat mass recovers at first.

Making calorie and very low calorie diets on more than one occasion, negatively affects our metabolism is slowing down defending increasingly trying to increase the fatty deposits.

For athletes, it is also an impediment to performance and recovery as not obtain enough energy or basic nutrients for recovery of energy deposits or to achieve a net protein synthesis.

To be practical, we can say that a reduction of about 250 to 500 Kcal. daily, depending on weight and pre-planning to reduce fat calories are sufficient to achieve lower fat percentage, especially when athletes and perform physical activity.

Another important fact recently appeared in a study on reducing fat athlete recommends, when the objective is to gain muscle mass and fat while increasing strength and power while maintaining performance, losing a maximum of 0.7% of your weight body.

If you simply want to maintain muscle mass and reduce fat you can lose weight representing up to 1-1.4% of your body weight.

Not usually suitable, however, significant weight loss, since a large part are water losses, with the problems this entails, and muscle tissue nobleman all athletes and non-athletes must maintain questions performance and health.

2-Increase your energy expenditure and improved metabolic utilization of fat.

To reduce fat effectively exercise to do ... but what year and in what quantity and intensity will be suitable for best results?

Metabolic studies have given us an essential knowledge to know how much exercise is needed: It takes at least three hours a week of aerobic exercise for three weeks for an improved metabolic use of lipids.

As for the type of exercise, it seems that the more muscle you move against gravity, there is a higher caloric requirement, so the running or running, the elliptical and the bike are, in this order, a good choice. Although the same intensity, the race is exercise that makes us spend more calories, you have to adapt the type of exercise according to the characteristics of each athlete. For example, heavy athletes can suffer joint exercises should start no impact as the elliptical or bike.

And the last question, what intensity?

Very important is the intensity at which conducted the exercise. We will try to make a sustained exercise over time, predominantly aerobic, causing our body a metabolic adaptation of utilization of fat for energy.

Ideally, exercise slightly above your aerobic threshold. On a practical level we know we are in our area when exercising threshold started to gasp and can not carry on a conversation normally without interrupting the words.

This aerobic threshold is dependent on the physical condition of each and is changing as improve your aerobic condition, namely that our labor intensity will also be changing (increasing) with time.

Girl running

3-Add bodybuilding exercises with weights and machines.

It is an excellent strategy, combining aerobic exercise with resistance exercise can increase fat reduction and, above all, maintain or improve muscle mass, and to maintain a good performance and optimal immune function.

A well-toned muscle mass improves the aesthetic appearance, keeps a muscular forms provided and improves muscle contours, making our most disadvantaged improve muscle groups if we plan well our training.

4-Divide total caloric intake during the day.

It is demonstrated that food intake increases the VO2 (maximum oxygen consumption) and the RQ (respiratory quotient), so there is an increased metabolism and increased use of carbohydrates at least about three hours.

Intake of fractional food during the day allows us to maintain a higher metabolic rate, a supply of nutrients throughout the day and, according to recent studies, exercise after intake of food (not heavy) is more effective in reducing fat than doing it in you fast.

A good recommendation to reduce fat and maintain muscle mass would therefore make six meals a day and dividing the total intake of food during the day.

5-Careful of salt intake.

It not recommended excessive salt intake if we hold off excessive water retention in the body.

This recommendation may be valid for those who want to have shaped and defined physical, but it is not for athletes who want to reduce fat though, made much resistance exercise and have a significant sweating, as sometimes is more important hydration and that water is retained in the plasma and cellular compartments.

It does not represent any salt not take issue with meals as there are many foods that contain sodium for themselves and cover our basic needs.

6-Forget "empty calories."

This is a basic recommendation. Highly processed foods that contain added fats and sugars have many poor nutritional value and not give us anything interesting, just calories will be stored as fat.

As extremes are never good, it is not desirable in most athletes perform very restrictive diets important nutrient deficiencies, moreover, are hardly bearable. A good balance for a good sports nutrition would be indicated.


Even if you eat a balanced manner the requirements of some vitamins and minerals increase with exercise and it is desirable to take optidosis (optimum) through sports supplements. This is the case of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and other interesting sports supplements like antioxidants transresveratrol, curcumin, quercetin, beta carotene and lycopene.

A good multivitamin mineral supplement is a major sports when we exercise and dietary fat reduction.


7-Plan well your training, sports nutrition and sports supplements.

This is an important despite its obviousness to reduce fat and maintain muscle mass point.

Be clear about what to do in terms of exercise (type, amount and duration), supply (which is more advisable to take and when), and what the most effective sports supplements are and how pautarlos is the basis for achieving our goals.

If you do not have sufficient knowledge and want to have a well-designed plan, find a nutritionist or a specialist in sports nutrition supplementation and to guide you, you can if you want to ask the personal trainer and sports nutrition specialist who find

8-Assist with "reducing fat" sports supplements that are effective.

Sports supplements called "fat reducers" are helpful; few well-patterned sports supplements will help you get reduce fat more quickly and effectively and maintain muscle mass.

In addition some of these sports supplements can increase your energy level and thus be a good supplement at the time of physical activity.

The sport is called thermogenic supplements help increase the basal metabolic rate, increasing the total number of calories used at rest and processes for obtaining energy from fat (lipolysis). They are the most effective sports supplements as reducing fat.

Such depotivos thermogenic supplements contain nutrients from foods like green tea, coffee, bitter orange, guarana, pepper or hot peppers and there are scientific studies that show its effectiveness in reducing fat.

The catechins in green tea identified as Epillogallocatequin -gallate, capsaicin, caffeine and synephrine exert a powerful effect on thermogenesis and fat oxidation as shown by some studies that confirm a reduction in RQ (respiratory quotient) after taking sports supplements, which in practical terms translates into increased fat oxidation. At the same time they have a tonic effect and activation energy, improves concentration and endurance.

Other sports supplements that may be interesting for its effect on lipolysis is the L-carnitine, essential to transport fatty acids into cell mitochondria where fats are oxidized. This type of sports supplements has a very interesting effect for any athlete as it helps to increase the total capacity to work or exercise.

As suggested elsewhere, a good multivitamin mineral supplement sports and some antioxidants sports supplements are highly recommended when we do any kind of exercise or diet plus exercise.


An excellent combination is to take sports supplements combining L-carnitine (up to 2000 mg. Per day) with some thermogenic sports supplement (always taken before six in the evening to not be activated during sleep).

9-Carbohydrates yes or no?

Carbohydrates yes !! Most athletes who want to reduce some fat levels need to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. By simply following some of the points we have mentioned the results will be satisfactory.

The type of carbohydrates that we take do matter, should generally be low-glycemic carbohydrates, which come from whole sources and are also rich in fiber and other nutrients such as minerals or vitamins. These low glycemic carbs have a slow and steady release of glucose, so we provide energy over a longer period and certainly less easy to become fat or more opportunity to be used in energy pathways.

Endurance athletes should also know that the supply of glucose or high glycemic carbohydrates during exercise increases performance and the ability to exercise to fatigue.

10-Take your time.

Finally, you do not want to get results overnight, we know that our body has to implement the metabolic processes of fat utilization and gradually reduce fatty deposits into the right rhythm. Slowly but surely. If we reduce fat also progressively more easily we retain muscle mass and our performance, muscular forms, health and sports nutrition, will be much better.


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