Monday 28 September 2015

REDUCING FAT: 15 of the most effective exercises without equipment

These magnificent exercises help lose weight, increase your stamina, build flexibility and strength, and to carry them out, you will need no more than 30 minutes a day. Try? We would like to introduce the most fashionable at the present time employment system, which is called the metabolic training. We consider the most effective exercises for weight loss. This system uses the power of high-intensity interval training with special exercises acting on the muscles of the whole body and, most importantly, allows you to burn calories not only during but also after school. Follow the steps below the exercise for 30 seconds at the beginning and then with increasing your fitness, add 5-10 seconds, thus bringing the execution of up to 60 seconds. You must perform the movements with maximum efficiency, so that the heart rate was quite intense, but in this case you get the intended benefit. Time for rest between exercises should not exceed 30 seconds. Mix and match the sequence as you like, but try not to carry out several consecutive exercises that load the same muscle group. By alternating the load on the hands and feet, back and press, you avoid fatigue and can sustain a high pace throughout the workout. All exercises are accompanied by clear illustrations and step by step, where necessary, demonstration videos, so that problems with their development should not be. 1. Movement skier These movements are a great alternative to the usual jump, heavily load the entire body, especially the thighs and the back of the back. 2. Dance predator This movement, dance-like monster from the movie "Predator" is the fastest way to a good warm up not only your ankles and hips, and shoulder girdle muscles. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keep both hands in front of you, palms together. Bend your knees and lower body in a crouch, while spreading his hands apart and squeezing your shoulder blades together behind. Transfer the weight to the right leg, then the left leg, then return back to the center and get up to the starting position. Gradually increase the speed and range of motion. 3. Skating This dynamic exercise load your hips and heart, not putting too much stress on the knees, the other jumps. The movement simulates speed skating. 4. Explosive pushups There are many different push-ups, but it is one of the best. Even if you are not bad mastered the usual push-ups, in this exercise you have pretty sweat. It will load not only the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back, thighs, buttocks. 5. Jumping into poluprisede These movements are an excellent alternative to conventional squat. Allowing good load leg muscles at the same time they do not pose a risk to your knees. 6. Running on the step This exercise is well familiar to everyone, and is a kind of running in place. It allows you to make the most of your calories in minimum time. Place your left foot on a small hill in front (even suitable stack of several books). Fast hopping movement of the legs and change the position of the feet on the opposite, with his hands commit a symmetrical movement. The legs should be slightly bent, and movement - springy and soft. 7. Burpees Popular exercise, however, that there is no corresponding name in Russian. This move is the rapid adoption of the stop lying and is one of the best fat burners, impacting virtually all muscles of the body. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 8. Jumping at the stop lying This exercise might seem a bit unusual and even extreme. However, it is not necessary to do just jumping with large amplitude. Enough small movements first, then gradually increase the amplitude of the legs and the rebound from the ground. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 9. Steps on the bench This exercise is to burn fat in the buttocks, where it is, in general, more than anything. It can run as usual steps on the bench, and that more intensive version - with a jump up. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 10. Frog ups Frogs have powerful legs, for which they are so fond of some chefs. This type of push-ups will help you develop no less powerful legs, and will work your abs, arms, chest. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 11. Walk the Bear When he was a child we learned to crawl and then to walk alone. Now you need to go through the reverse process and learn how to move around on all fours, just like bears do. Weight loss: 15 of the most effective exercises 12. Walk crab While the previous exercise is working perfectly all the muscles in the front of the body, the crab movement directed shoulders, back, buttocks and thighs. 13. Attacks foot in the emphasis lying This exercise may require some development, since its implementation requires not only strength, but agility. However, as a result, almost dance steps, you will feel like the fat literally disappears from your belly. 14. Walking in poluprisede This is a favorite exercise of all Soviet coach who brought us into a frenzy in sports sections, and sometimes physical education classes. And no wonder - this movement is not only great pressure on the legs, but also develops balance and endurance. Sometimes it is done with the hands on or above the head. 15. Walking with lunge This motion is directed primarily to the lower part of the body. It can be done with lifting the knee up and just lunge with the feet as in the video. Good you practice!

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