Wednesday 23 September 2015


Cellulite Basics

What causes cellulite:

Lack of the right type of exercise
Hormonal changes
Overproduction of estrogen
And excessive consumption of saturated fats and sugary products.
90% of all women have some amount of cellulite; in your body. Cellulite particularly affects women over 35 years old.

Lack of proper exercises

Some resistance training exercises, simple but goals, and a protein supplement can help to give muscle tone. Poor dietary choices along with daily stress can cause hormonal problems for many women. Our main objective will be to fight overproduction of estrogen and cortisol.

Poor diet

Filling your body with bad fats, sugar and chemicals, can lead to hormonal changes and excess storage of fat in the lower body. Instead of reducing calories and trying to lose weight, we will focus on making simple substitutions of some common foods you probably consume. These two things can improve body composition.

What really is cellulite?

The average woman loses five pounds of muscle and replaces it with about 15 pounds of fat every decade of his adult life.

The ONLY way to get rid of it for ever is to tone muscle and skin in the affected areas; if you are ready to stop being embarrassed with clothes ... if you are ready to stop avoiding bikinis and shorts ... then I promise you, that can be achieved using the program you are about to read. Best of all, once you see how easy and docile that this is actually scheduled, you will be able to get rid of cellulite for good.


When an intense muscle massage is given, it increases blood flow and inflammation that occurs, which temporarily stretches the skin. What makes it a little less noticeable for a short time. This is not a practical solution for cellulite.

Creams to treat cellulite

The anti cellulite creams are the most ridiculous product in this market and are rapidly being removed therefrom by misleading advertising.

So how do I get rid of it?

There are thousands of different "cures", such as creams, supplements, massage and even surgery. Unfortunately, these solutions are temporary at best, and not reduce or eliminate cellulite at all. Any topical product or massage treatment you purchase has a function - increase blood flow to the area because of the swelling. This causes the appearance of cellulite temporarily less visible. As soon as the effects wear off you're back where you started.

Many women cringe at the sound of resistance training or weight training because they think they will get more volume.

This is a common misconception. It is very difficult for women to develop bulky muscle mass, especially if they follow a good routine. A proper routine will make your body and problem areas, smaller, will give more strength, and this will help you burn fat faster than with aerobic exercise routines apply a concept of repeat 15-25; that will shape not size when working, the exercises should be performed with a short rest between sets to allow us to drink only a little water. This type of training creates more muscle while still burning fat.

Aerobic training no muscle tone, and muscle tone is the only quick cure for cellulite, women need to incorporate into their training routines gym, small weights, to develop the body you want to have, this gives us:

Slow the aging of the bone structure and increasing bone mass.
Improve strength and function of tendons and ligaments.
Increase metabolism by building muscle. For every pound of muscle built, about 50 calories per day will be burned at rest.
Replaces lost half a pound of muscle every year, as we age, from 30 years old.
Diet cellulite

Towards a cellulite free body

Here are some simple tips you can follow to help reduce cellulite:

Eat a balanced diet consisting of the proper ratio of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats.
The diet should contain high amount of fiber and lean protein.
The intake of trans fats should be eliminated completely, saturated fats should be minimized.
Eat foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Avoid fast food and junk foods which contain bad cholesterol.
Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Drink at least 2 liters of water every day and avoid sugary drinks with caffeine.
Take daily multivitamin and fish oil capsules.
Limit consumption of alcohol, snuff and sugary drinks as these are known to increase cellulite and slow metabolism (as well as cause other health problems).

Replacing foods

Some simple substitutions that can help burn cellulite.

Here are some simple things you can do to get rid of cellulite without giving up the foods you love:

Butter and margarine are the most common sources of trans fats - butter replace free of trans fats.
Replace soft drinks with sugar and caffeine for water - if absolutely necessary a dose of caffeine, drink coffee, but limit yourself to one cup per day - if you absolutely need a drink, drink a diet soda.
Avoid fast food as far as possible - cook their food in a few healthy oils that are loaded with saturated fat and trans fat - if you have no choice most chains offer low calorie menu
Replace fatty meats with lean meats - there are often alternatives to fatty meats such as bacon, sausages and burgers that have such good taste - for example, replaces pork sausage sausage chicken, burgers or turkey burgers lean beef and regular bacon for turkey bacon.
Replace breads and grains produced by whole grains - if you see the words "bleached" or "enriched" in the package are processed, which is equivalent to sugar.

Secrets of the fight against cellulite

Six simple tricks to help reduce cellulite fast

In addition to replacing a simple meal, here are some additional tricks that can tone and thicken the skin, burn fat and quickly reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid stimulates collagen production more effectively than any other acid, for their small molecule allows it to slide beneath the epidermis to reach the collagen fibers that follow.

In clinical trials turned out 15% - 25% more thickening in 12 weeks. Glycolic acid generally cause little or no visible peeling, as do some other acids.

Hip Oil rosette

It is especially effective after a chemical peel, preferably glycolic acid, as it is a very strong moisturizer and glycolic acid can dry the skin and cause redness.

Help, smoothing and tightening the skin at the same time.


Water helps remove toxins from the body, drink plenty of cold water increases metabolism and helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Fish oil

Fish oil is perhaps the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are not only good for the heart, but also for the skin. Suitable oil supplements fish, they can define and strengthen your problem areas and further reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Cellulite is more pronounced in women with muscles and sagging skin, so the skin, such as muscles, also need protein to tone up and reassert itself. The dramatic increase in protein in your diet helps to tone the skin and muscles, and improve body composition.

Try to eat about 0.6 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass every day, you begin to see significant improvements in eight weeks.


It stimulates cell renewal and has been shown to increase collagen production. This is useful for cellulite, because it can be applied to the thin skin on thighs and buttocks.

Hormones and cellulite

Know hormones that cause cellulite are and how to combat them

The two main hormones that we need to control are estrogen and cortisol.


Excessive production of estrogen results in increased fat storage thighs and buttocks, also breaks up the collagen fibers in the skin which can cause cellulite and stretch marks.

The overproduction of estrogen may come from several causes, poor diet, lack of physical activity, certain methods of birth control and pregnancy.

Physical activity reduces excess estrogen production by simply reducing saturated and trans fats in the diet, and making some simple resistance exercises several times a week, you can easily control this problem.


Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, also it increases fat storage, muscle ruptures, and the collagen in the skin breaks.

To combat cortisol:

Eat small meals at regular intervals throughout the day, it increases cortisol Skipping a meal.
Reduce stress, try breathing exercises, meditation, whatever it takes.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can greatly peak cortisol production.
Avoid stimulants such as caffeine. Studies show that caffeine can increase levels of cortisol and stress.
Anti cellulite Training

In fact exercise is the quickest and most effective to get rid of cellulite for good way.

Resistance training is the most important program because it helps tone the muscles under the cellulite and also increases metabolism and burns fat.

Resistance training

Problem areas, the muscles that make up this problem are mainly the buttocks and hamstrings or Femoral Biceps.

The buttocks are the buttocks muscles, and consist of three smaller muscles. The hamstrings are the hamstrings or back of the thighs and consist of four muscles.

Specific exercises

Compound movements are movements that work more than one muscle group at a time. These exercises can tone problem areas quickly and increase your metabolism to burn fat (and cellulite).

Compound exercises

The squats are the most important compound exercise thighs and buttocks. It's as easy as that! If you do not have access to a gym, you can do this with only his arms pointing outward.


Low intensity cardio

Walking uphill (helps tone glutes)
Climbing stairs (helps burn fat and tone buttocks at the same time)
You may be disappointed to learn that the elimination of cellulite requires changes in your diet and exercise performance, but it is a simple fact. if not to make the effort, then you can continue to lose hundreds of pesos in tricks and deception that do nothing to hide the problem temporarily.

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