Wednesday 23 September 2015



Reduce fat and improve muscle mass (fat-free) is a common goal for many athletes. In fact, in many different sports categories based on weight (eg in almost all combat sports), which require their practitioners, if they want to compete with chances of success, to have a body with more muscle and establishing less fat. In other forms of contact sports such as basketball, handball, rugby, etc ... something happens ... And outside the professional or amateur competition we can not ignore that there are many people who play sports with the main objective of improve body image and health.

In addition, a lifestyle that combines exercise and supplementation habits and proper sports nutrition is not only good for our image and our health but also revolutionized our minds these days ...

How can we reduce our body fat percentage?

A stable and lasting reduction of fat is achieved quickly and effectively with an optimal combination of exercise, sports nutrition and ergogenic sport supplements. These factors are controllable, on which we can act, but we must not forget that there are also other important factors that will condition significantly our percentage of fat mass. Genetics, for example, is an immovable factor that affects our physiology and ease that we have to get rid of excess fat.

To lose fat there are countless methods and, above all, there are many topics that sometimes make the athlete is lost in endless tips little validity.

In this article we will review ten tips are based on published scientific studies and can serve most athletes to improve the percentage of muscle mass / fat mass very effectively.


Exercise, diet and sports supplements

To reduce body fat stores must combine adequate exercise with a balanced sports nutrition, adapted to our caloric expenditure, not to mention some very important allies that are going to help significantly in the activation process of lipolysis and maintaining lean mass .... ergogenic sport supplements.

Once we get the right fat percentage, your body does not set up the new body composition after one year, therefore our body composition will tend to return to the way it was if we are not long enough keeping the new composition. After this period of adaptation of our body we have the advantage that we will be much easier to keep in the percentages of fat, muscle mass and water already achieved.

There is a strong interaction between exercise, nutrition (nutrients we bring in the diet), the time of day you eat food, and physiological processes that allow us to activate lipolysis and the recovery of energy stores and protein synthesis .

This means that we are able to plan strategies so that there is a major change in the morphology of the body and the enzymatic pathways that allow us to achieve these changes, but it must be done correctly and, above all, be consistent and give time our body enough to consolidate these changes.

For example, it is known that there is a change affecting the metabolism of fats and utilization at rest (reduced fat), must spend at least three weeks and, in general, is achieved through an aerobic workout of medium intensity for at least three hours a week.

Another important thing to consider is the importance of increasing muscle mass, which is the most metabolically active, although not intended to reach advanced levels of muscle density as a bodybuilder. This increase in muscle mass would simply be a great help to make more effective fat reduction, to preserve the health and immunity and also have better shape and muscle tone (aesthetics). Unfortunately, it is still common misconception that combine aerobic exercise with weight machines work is not compatible with reduced fat.

It would be desirable and, in fact, if properly planned exercise, sports nutrition and sports supplements occurs in this way, we lost more fat than weight on the scale, synonymous with that we also gain muscle mass.

Another factor to consider is be encouraged by obtaining improvements. To do this, follow the percentages of fat / muscle through plicometría or bioimpedance measurements and muscle contours, interesting to go assess progress tools is advised. For those who have no way to access the bioimpedance or take measures skinfold thickness, can take at least reference weight weekly, always at the same time without clothes and measure at least the outline of the waist in man and waist, buttocks and hips in women.


1-Reduce your caloric intake slightly.

We must not make the mistake of drastically reducing the total daily calorie intake. This often leads to a situation of lack of basic nutrients and especially a significant slowing of metabolism with the risk that, when the diet is abandoned, the lost weight and sometimes even more fat mass recovers at first.

Making calorie and very low calorie diets on more than one occasion, negatively affects our metabolism is slowing down defending increasingly trying to increase the fatty deposits.

For athletes, it is also an impediment to performance and recovery as not obtain enough energy or basic nutrients for recovery of energy deposits or to achieve a net protein synthesis.

To be practical, we can say that a reduction of about 250 to 500 Kcal. daily, depending on weight and pre-planning to reduce fat calories are sufficient to achieve lower fat percentage, especially when athletes and perform physical activity.

Another important fact recently appeared in a study on reducing fat athlete recommends, when the objective is to gain muscle mass and fat while increasing strength and power while maintaining performance, losing a maximum of 0.7% of your weight body.

If you simply want to maintain muscle mass and reduce fat you can lose weight representing up to 1-1.4% of your body weight.

Not usually suitable, however, significant weight loss, since a large part are water losses, with the problems this entails, and muscle tissue nobleman all athletes and non-athletes must maintain questions performance and health.

2-Increase your energy expenditure and improved metabolic utilization of fat.

To reduce fat effectively exercise to do ... but what year and in what quantity and intensity will be suitable for best results?

Metabolic studies have given us an essential knowledge to know how much exercise is needed: It takes at least three hours a week of aerobic exercise for three weeks for an improved metabolic use of lipids.

As for the type of exercise, it seems that the more muscle you move against gravity, there is a higher caloric requirement, so the running or running, the elliptical and the bike are, in this order, a good choice. Although the same intensity, the race is exercise that makes us spend more calories, you have to adapt the type of exercise according to the characteristics of each athlete. For example, heavy athletes can suffer joint exercises should start no impact as the elliptical or bike.

And the last question, what intensity?

Very important is the intensity at which conducted the exercise. We will try to make a sustained exercise over time, predominantly aerobic, causing our body a metabolic adaptation of utilization of fat for energy.

Ideally, exercise slightly above your aerobic threshold. On a practical level we know we are in our area when exercising threshold started to gasp and can not carry on a conversation normally without interrupting the words.

This aerobic threshold is dependent on the physical condition of each and is changing as improve your aerobic condition, namely that our labor intensity will also be changing (increasing) with time.

Girl running

3-Add bodybuilding exercises with weights and machines.

It is an excellent strategy, combining aerobic exercise with resistance exercise can increase fat reduction and, above all, maintain or improve muscle mass, and to maintain a good performance and optimal immune function.

A well-toned muscle mass improves the aesthetic appearance, keeps a muscular forms provided and improves muscle contours, making our most disadvantaged improve muscle groups if we plan well our training.

4-Divide total caloric intake during the day.

It is demonstrated that food intake increases the VO2 (maximum oxygen consumption) and the RQ (respiratory quotient), so there is an increased metabolism and increased use of carbohydrates at least about three hours.

Intake of fractional food during the day allows us to maintain a higher metabolic rate, a supply of nutrients throughout the day and, according to recent studies, exercise after intake of food (not heavy) is more effective in reducing fat than doing it in you fast.

A good recommendation to reduce fat and maintain muscle mass would therefore make six meals a day and dividing the total intake of food during the day.

5-Careful of salt intake.

It not recommended excessive salt intake if we hold off excessive water retention in the body.

This recommendation may be valid for those who want to have shaped and defined physical, but it is not for athletes who want to reduce fat though, made much resistance exercise and have a significant sweating, as sometimes is more important hydration and that water is retained in the plasma and cellular compartments.

It does not represent any salt not take issue with meals as there are many foods that contain sodium for themselves and cover our basic needs.

6-Forget "empty calories."

This is a basic recommendation. Highly processed foods that contain added fats and sugars have many poor nutritional value and not give us anything interesting, just calories will be stored as fat.

As extremes are never good, it is not desirable in most athletes perform very restrictive diets important nutrient deficiencies, moreover, are hardly bearable. A good balance for a good sports nutrition would be indicated.


Even if you eat a balanced manner the requirements of some vitamins and minerals increase with exercise and it is desirable to take optidosis (optimum) through sports supplements. This is the case of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and other interesting sports supplements like antioxidants transresveratrol, curcumin, quercetin, beta carotene and lycopene.

A good multivitamin mineral supplement is a major sports when we exercise and dietary fat reduction.


7-Plan well your training, sports nutrition and sports supplements.

This is an important despite its obviousness to reduce fat and maintain muscle mass point.

Be clear about what to do in terms of exercise (type, amount and duration), supply (which is more advisable to take and when), and what the most effective sports supplements are and how pautarlos is the basis for achieving our goals.

If you do not have sufficient knowledge and want to have a well-designed plan, find a nutritionist or a specialist in sports nutrition supplementation and to guide you, you can if you want to ask the personal trainer and sports nutrition specialist who find

8-Assist with "reducing fat" sports supplements that are effective.

Sports supplements called "fat reducers" are helpful; few well-patterned sports supplements will help you get reduce fat more quickly and effectively and maintain muscle mass.

In addition some of these sports supplements can increase your energy level and thus be a good supplement at the time of physical activity.

The sport is called thermogenic supplements help increase the basal metabolic rate, increasing the total number of calories used at rest and processes for obtaining energy from fat (lipolysis). They are the most effective sports supplements as reducing fat.

Such depotivos thermogenic supplements contain nutrients from foods like green tea, coffee, bitter orange, guarana, pepper or hot peppers and there are scientific studies that show its effectiveness in reducing fat.

The catechins in green tea identified as Epillogallocatequin -gallate, capsaicin, caffeine and synephrine exert a powerful effect on thermogenesis and fat oxidation as shown by some studies that confirm a reduction in RQ (respiratory quotient) after taking sports supplements, which in practical terms translates into increased fat oxidation. At the same time they have a tonic effect and activation energy, improves concentration and endurance.

Other sports supplements that may be interesting for its effect on lipolysis is the L-carnitine, essential to transport fatty acids into cell mitochondria where fats are oxidized. This type of sports supplements has a very interesting effect for any athlete as it helps to increase the total capacity to work or exercise.

As suggested elsewhere, a good multivitamin mineral supplement sports and some antioxidants sports supplements are highly recommended when we do any kind of exercise or diet plus exercise.


An excellent combination is to take sports supplements combining L-carnitine (up to 2000 mg. Per day) with some thermogenic sports supplement (always taken before six in the evening to not be activated during sleep).

9-Carbohydrates yes or no?

Carbohydrates yes !! Most athletes who want to reduce some fat levels need to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. By simply following some of the points we have mentioned the results will be satisfactory.

The type of carbohydrates that we take do matter, should generally be low-glycemic carbohydrates, which come from whole sources and are also rich in fiber and other nutrients such as minerals or vitamins. These low glycemic carbs have a slow and steady release of glucose, so we provide energy over a longer period and certainly less easy to become fat or more opportunity to be used in energy pathways.

Endurance athletes should also know that the supply of glucose or high glycemic carbohydrates during exercise increases performance and the ability to exercise to fatigue.

10-Take your time.

Finally, you do not want to get results overnight, we know that our body has to implement the metabolic processes of fat utilization and gradually reduce fatty deposits into the right rhythm. Slowly but surely. If we reduce fat also progressively more easily we retain muscle mass and our performance, muscular forms, health and sports nutrition, will be much better.


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