Saturday 26 September 2015

Save fat and lose weight with the Low Fat Diet

A lower consumption of fats in a healthy way to lose excess pounds, the principle of low fat diets is. In Low Fat it comes to respect an upper limit that allows 60 grams of fat a day, or even 30 grams, depending on the severity of the diet. 30 grams of the variant is also known as Low Fat 30.

How useful is this approach you lose weight, it quickly becomes clear when you consider that fat with 9 calories per gram of energy-rich nutrient - apart from alcohol, which puts it in the same number of calories. Proteins and carbohydrates on the other hand have only about 4 calories per gram. Of course, the organism also needs quality fats to stay healthy and be able to fulfill all the functions, but at least in many Western industrialized countries the per capita consumption of fats with 120 g daily much higher than necessary and conducive to health.

Compliance with a low fat diet, in which mainly the consumption of animal fats is limited, not only the figure benefits, but also helps many lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention, must be read as on From test portals and nutrition experts, the Low Fat Diets get almost all good to very good ratings and are referred to as meaningful concepts to healthy weight loss. Apart from the strict low fat diet 30 variant, a low-fat diet is also very good as a permanent way of life.

How does the Low Fat Diet? explains how the Low Fat diet works and what to consider in their implementation: Depending on how much fat is to be saved, maximum every third Calorie may come from fat. For the strict Low Fat Diet 30, this represents a maximum consumption of 30 grams of fat in the moderate variant an upper limit of 60 grams should not be exceeded. The grease cap of 60 grams should be maintained even after successful weight reduction with Low Fat 30, so that no yo-yo effect is established. However, it is not only the quantity but also on the quality of fats, vegetable oils so the preference should be given before animal fats. Fats, sea fish such as salmon and mackerel, and nuts should be included in the diet plan so that the body is supplied enough unsaturated fatty acids.

To implement the low fat diet in practice, there are various aids. In addition to the partly paid 30 Low Fat Diet portals that give the users weightloss tips for a low-fat diet, can be found online grocery lists that provide information on the fat content of individual foods. When shopping at the grocery store also helps also to look at the manufacturer's instructions, which also shed light on the fat content of products supply (Source: Make use of the manufacturer of the traffic light system, it is even easier, the fat to be distinguished from high-fat foods, because a green dot means low fat or low fat, while a red dot is a warning signal and indicates a high fat content.

The Low Fat Diet in practice
The site once researched what a day can look with Low Fat: For breakfast there is for example a roll with 30 grams of turkey breast and some vegetables, and a glass of orange juice and coffee or tea. Lunch with the Low Fat Diet Plan provides 260 grams of potatoes, steamed pollack and steamed vegetables in broth. As a snack, there is a piece of fruit of your choice, and dinner consists of two slices of wholemeal bread, four tablespoons of low-fat quark with herbs and 150 grams of tomato and cucumber salad with a fat-free dressing.

The Low Fat Diet so all foods are generally allowed, provided that the fat limit is adhered to and attention is paid to the adequate intake of essential fatty acids. Even white flour products and sugar are not prohibited where it has also highlighted the benefits of whole grains with their complex carbohydrates.

What foods and which formulation types for a low fat diet are especially useful is to learn to and Ideal Low Fat foods are mainly fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meats with meat in the low-fat diet only should play a subordinate role. In the preparation of food should be set to low fat versions because it can be saved very many calories. Braising, grilling, in Römertopf, in wok or Teflon pans meals are prepare simple ways to feed themselves according to the principles of Low Fat model and save preparation fats.

Thus at the end of the day determines the fat balance, visible fat on meat pieces should be cut before eating or before preparing. Buyer of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and cheese, it helps to give the reduced fat products prefer: Instead of whole milk so milk should fat content be purchased with 1.5 percent, and instead of Camembert with 45 percent in the dry matter rather of 30 percent fat. Ready salad dressings, Majonäsesalate, Teewurst, chocolate, chips and other junk foods should better remain the exception, if it is to work out with the Low Fat Diet.

Test results and experiences with the Low Fat Diet
Stiftung Warentest has taken the most severe form of Low Fat Diets under the microscope and comes under to the conclusion that low fat 30 a reasonable approach is to save by a lower fat intake calories. 30 percent fat calories per day are enough to fill you up and provide the body with all the essential fatty acids. This view is shared according the German Nutrition Society, said the recommendation of the low-fat diet, however, only applies if preferred vegetable fats and oils are used. points out that it would be possible in Low Fat 30, in extreme cases, to feed exclusively on gummy bears, without violating the rules of diet! The diet Portal sees a weakness of this form of nutrition is that it is left to the dieters themselves, to ensure a varied diet. The danger is that with low fat too rigid on the fat content of the food is very healthy and looked, albeit high-fat foods such as nuts and vegetable oils could be neglected. Anyone who wants to avoid it, so you should stick to the recipes in the Low Fat 30 cookbooks, because otherwise it is difficult to get the fat reduction with a healthy diet in line.

Yet another shortcoming of Low Fat 30 see the testers when they point out that the importance of the movement is not appreciated enough in depth while losing weight and stay up to leave more or less even in this respect the dieters. However, most serious appears the accusation, the Low Fat Diet 30 neglecting the role of simple carbohydrates (sugar) in the pathogenesis of obesity. In fact, it is not only too much fat, which is responsible for ensuring that it is increasing, but just as an excess of carbohydrates (and proteins). Not fat makes you fat, but the fact that more calories are taken when the organism is used up. Whether the calories now come from fat or sugar - what the body is not currently required, is stored in the form of fat deposits.

The portal finally comes to the conclusion that with Low Fat 30 although there is no permanent change in diet, but that alone reducing the amount of fat that affect already positive. Particularly positive is judged that the low fat diet does not require additional food that they can be easily integrated into everyday life, and that no calories must be counted. Since it is also possible to eat a fat treat when saved in accordance with the fat in other foods, it is also not difficult to endure Low Fat over a long period. Neither malnutrition still the dreaded yo-yo effect is to be expected with the correct implementation of the Low Fat Diet.

Final assessment of the Low Fat Diet
The Benefits of Low Fat:

The Low Fat Diet is simple, suitable for everyday use and inexpensive, since it does not require additional food.
A low-fat diet will not only help you lose weight, but also prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke.
If primarily animal fats can be saved and will be provided for a varied mixed diet, the low fat diet can be carried out indefinitely, without that is expected to deficiency symptoms. On an adequate intake of vegetable fats and oils must be ensured, however.
Low Fat does not require food bans and even without counting calories.
The disadvantages of Low Fat:

The little one-sided concentration on fat can cause indeed disappear completely fat but very healthy foods from your diet.
The role of carbohydrates in the development of obesity is not enough to bear. This also applies to the importance of sport and exercise in losing weight.
If the fat savings exaggerated, a lack of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins could adapt to life.

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