Tuesday 29 September 2015

Eight secrets of successful weight loss and the formation of a beautiful figure by bodybuilders

Bodybuilders have mastered the art of physical transformation - and many people who want to lose weight, can learn from them. Almost everyone who begins a program of fitness or weight loss, they want to look good. Of course, they all want to be healthier, more energetic, but, as the polls show, they all want to look better in clothes and without it. I want to share with you some of the secrets of bodybuilders. This will help you to effectively reduce weight and shape beautiful figure. No one will ask whether you do bodybuilding, but everyone will admire your thin body fit. 1. Monitor your blood sugar levels. There is an old saying that goes, that the success of a bodybuilder is 80% dependent on food. I'm not sure about the interest. But every bodybuilder knows that it all starts with the food. The task of each bodybuilder - to control blood sugar levels. This helps reduce the amount of fat in the body. Achieves this using a food protein, carbohydrates and good fats evenly throughout the day every 2-3 hours. Here's a sample meal schedule: 6.30 - breakfast 9.30 - snack 12.30 - lunch 15.30 - snack 18.00 - Lunch 21.00 - light snack This schedule will have a major impact on reducing the amount of fat. 2. Counting calories. When the most successful bodybuilders preparing for a competition, their goal - to eat more, while continuing to lose fat. For example, if I can lose weight by 0.5 to 1 kg of fat per week at 1,400 calories a day, I'm on the right track. If I try to speed up the process and reduce the number of calories to 1,200, my efforts turn to ashes. Reduction in fat mass greater than 1 kg per week reduce muscle tissue. A good example can serve a person on the enhanced diet, which in the end lose weight, but his body becomes flabby. This is because along with the fat it will lose muscle mass. Man too has sharply reduced calorie intake too quickly thin and do not consume enough calories for a proper reduction in fat mass. Many people also complain that after 4-5 weeks of weight loss, they get stuck at a standstill. Why is this happening? The temperature T3 (thyroid hormone) decreases. This reduction is very small, and can not see, but it slows down the rate of metabolism. To avoid this, it is necessary to slightly increase the number of calories consumed. I do not want to say that it is necessary to increase the amount of calories, if you are stuck in place. Often this is because people do not strictly adhere to the diet or in his diet more calories than he suggests. If bodybuilder faced with the situation on the ground fading due to lack of calories, it will increase daily caloric intake by 300-400 calories every fourth day (this is called calorie cyclical). To reiterate: consume an optimal amount of food to get rid of excess fat. 3. Eat breakfast A balanced breakfast consisting of carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fat - required to start the day. The point is that breakfast stops starvation caused by a night's sleep. Furthermore, breakfast accelerate the metabolism throughout the day. On the entire planet there are not a bodybuilder who would have missed breakfast. This is the first opportunity during the day to return blood sugar levels to normal after an overnight fast, which is an important condition for reducing fat. 4. Calculation of the ratio of calories. Calorie - no calories. Do you know people who say that you just need to reduce the amount of calories to lose weight? If they never mention the carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which means that they are wrong. The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is very important. Correctly ratio (which may vary somewhat depending on the individual response to food) helps to stabilize blood sugar, which in turn increases the level of energy and accelerates the reduction in weight. In general, it is best to start with 40-50% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein and 20-30% healthy fats. Bodybuilder reduce the intake of carbohydrates before competition, but they should be enough to maintain energy levels and muscle mass. If enough carbohydrates, the muscles will look flabby. Protein is also important for building and maintaining lean muscle mass, which in turn helps to burn more fat. 5. Lifting weights In order to comply with the correct ratio of fat and muscle mass, you need to lift weights. Bodybuilders not make it 2 hours a day. Most of them realize that such training is best carried out not more than 60 minutes. You do not need this training as bodybuilders, you need to lift weights at least three times a week (every other day). 6. Cardio Workouts Most people believe that the bodybuilders do exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system. However, the difference between bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts is that the bodybuilder can use these exercises as a tool that would be to lose weight. He will conduct a training session for about 30 minutes. If the fat mass does not decrease, not increase the duration of the bodybuilder and strength training - interval cardio training (alternating several minutes slower intensity level with a few minutes of high intensity). Intervals very good metabolism. It is a mistake to think that such exercises should be done 2 hours a day. Start moderately, adding 5 minutes per day, or go to interval training, if you do not lose weight in two weeks. This is assuming that you consume enough calories. 7. Water consumption One of the main functions of the liver - the conversion of stored fat into energy. It needs to consume sufficient water. Another function of the liver - is to rid the body of waste products by the kidneys, which need huge amounts of water for normal functioning (many people do not even realize how much). If the kidneys lack of water, the liver takes over some of their functions, without ceasing to perform their own (impairing the overall efficiency of the work). The liver can not metabolize fat quickly and efficiently, and you accumulate stocks of unprocessed fat. Water - an underrated tool to reduce weight. 8. Discipline This word is not commonly used in the industry of fitness. It's a pity. Bodybuilder training, even when he has no desire; He keeps to a diet even when you do not want. It's all about discipline. You also build your body and your mind (your mind). Without this, all efforts are useless.

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