Friday 10 January 2014

Amino acids and their importance for fat burning

Amino acids , vitamins , minerals and trace elements play an important role for the loss of body weight

If you put on weight or remain slim depends largely by hormones. And this is also the key to weight loss and reducing fat also: thanks to targeted intake of certain amino acids , stimulate the body to produce sufficient hormones to make us stay slim naturally and in harmony with the needs of our body.

An important hormone that helps keep you lean is growth hormone (STH ) . This hormone is produced during sleep , elevates protein synthesis and promotes the disposal of grease. Overweight people are characterized by low concentrations of STH , which often hinder the decrease in growth hormone peso.1 unfortunately it is very expensive (about 500-800 euro for monthly ration ) and the injection requires a strong and competent medical supervision. Therefore, it is less dangerous than the natural stimulation and endogenous to the release of this hormone. In many cases, certain amino acids have been shown to have exactly this effect , if taken at night on an empty stomach and in sufficient quantities .

The amino acids with these properties are :

Moreover , for the synthesis of growth hormone , is needed vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 and zinc.

The research showed that in the case of obesity is likely that there is a deficiency of carnitine

So an intake of carnitine ( dietary supplement ) can definitely be useful . Carnitine is a biovector ( transport element ) which is synthesized in the liver - and at a preliminary stage in the kidneys - the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. It has the function of carrier molecule for the transport of long chain fatty acids across the inner membrane of mitochondria . Long-chain fatty acids can cross the membrane only via esterification with carnitine , while the short chain fatty acids and medium penetrate even without this carrier ( transport molecule ) .

Carnitine as a fat burner
Carnitine accelerates the transport of fatty acids and starts them to the combustion metabolica.6 The consequence : the body burns fat ( instead of storing them ) . Due to its fat burning effect , this substance is used for the reduction of body weight and marked as ' Fatburner '.

The formation of carnitine synthesis occurs in 5 stages with the participation of essential cofactors,these are : vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , niacin and folic acid. The shortage of only one of the elements mentioned above may involve a limited biosynthesis .

For the function of L-carnitine as a fat burner , a professor at the University of Leipzig Luppa in his essay of 2004 he writes : " With regard to the prevention of overweight , measures for improving the treatment of the fat are more effective than the rigid restrictions of dietary fat with nutrition, currently highly publicized . This however applies only to the condition that the fat metabolism and its regulation function optimally . In both cases, the L-carnitine is an essential cofactor that participates in a decisive way . Because L -carnitine has the function of carriers, a deficiency results in a reduction in the disposal of the fatty acids in the mitochondrial matrix . In addition, L-carnitine , as a substrate of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) , plays a central role in regulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. "

This means that : " Limitations in the availability of L-carnitine not only recognize the adaptability of lipid metabolism . They are also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the protein . May arise as a result a reduced blood glucose levels and increased protein degradation . "

Combustion - of - fat

It clearly shows that carnitine can increase the ability of some cells to burn body fat

There are also the work of two scientists in Geneva and the United States which have demonstrated for the first time that the intake of carnitine also increases the mobilization of fatty acids from the adipocytes ( fat cells) favoring the smaltimento7 .

There are also enough data on 7 animal models clearly demonstrate that , during a low calorie diet , carnitine supplementation leads to a significant reduction in body fat content , compared to placebo , while promoting the increase of lean muscle mass .

Carnitine facilitates weight control

A clinical study of 2013 is held in high regard . It showed that food supplementation with 500 mg of L -carnitine per day in combination with a motivational training is sufficient to obtain a significant reduction in weight in overweight subjects . In 4 weeks, all participants in the study lost an average of 400 g of body fat without changing nutrition and physical activity level . The waistline has been reduced by an average of 1.3 cm.9

Glutamine counteracts the accumulation of fat

Glutamine can be converted into glucose by the kidneys without affecting the values ​​of insulin and glucagon. In this way also contributes to energy production which , in turn, helps prevent fatty deposits caused by insulin .10

This contrasts with the accumulation of fats in the power supply and is therefore aid in the regulation of body weight. In one study it was shown that , in case of a diet rich in fat, an additional intake of glutamine may result in a reduction of body fat . In addition, glutamine reduces the craving for sugar and alcool.11

Even the B vitamins are important for fat burning. Vitamin B is a great help to lose weight because almost all the B vitamins stimulate the endogenous combustion of fats. In addition, they are a real nourishment for the nerves - element to be reckoned with for those wishing to lose weight . The B vitamins riboflavin ( B2) , niacin (B3) , pantothenic acid (B5) , biotin (B7) and cobalamin (B12 ) are responsible for the functioning of the metabolism and stimulate the disposal of body fat .

Vitamin B2 acts particularly quickly against the burning of fat as quickly transforms proteins , carbohydrates and fats into energy. The trace element zinc plays a similar role . Supports the body in the processing of fats and carbohydrates and is essential for the functioning of the protein metabolism . Amino acids can perform their important tasks in fat metabolism only with a sufficient supply of zinc.

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