Saturday 11 January 2014


When we talk about supplements used in diets in order to reduce body fat, immediately many alternatives comes to mind such as conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) ,herbals( Koubo , pholiamagra , pholianegra , citrus aurantium , etc. ) , thermogenic ( based on caffeine and other stimulants) , L- carnitine , and others used to accelerate the metabolism and optimizing the utilization of fat as an energy source .

But in this article I want to focus the discussion on some supplements , very important in the " burning body fat " , but who have an indirect role in the process. Typically, these products are used only in phases whose goal is muscle hypertrophy .

First , let's clarify something basic , but I have great difficulty explaining to my;my overweight patients :

Losing weight on the scale is not equal to losing body fat !

Regardless of how much is the degree of overweight or obesity , we must take care not to lose muscle mass , because the loss of this tissue - metabolically active - would provide a reduction in basal metabolism , making it harder to fat loss after caloric restriction in some time .

A good result for reducing body fat without sacrificing lean mass will be obtained through training with weights , associated with aerobic conditions and a controlled diet . Many people who are overweight also are afraid of weight training because they imagine that this activity will not bring so many benefits to reducing body fat as aerobic exercise . Big mistake! The association of these activities is simply perfect when accompanied by a proper diet.

I like the word " diet " because it comes from Greek and means " life style " . And in my view , this is the best definition for adequate food . Even more these days , where to maintain proper nutrition , we have a different lifestyle of most people , dominated by sedentary lifestyle and unbridled power .

Theoretically , the basic diet to lose fat is simple : complex carbohydrates distributed throughout the day according to energy expenditure ( exercise) , distributed in all meals proteins , the presence of mono-and polyunsaturated (about 2/3 fats total consumption of fats, which must be between 20 and 30% of daily caloric intake ) vitamins and minerals in proper quantity, and of course hydration.

Simple, is it not ?

Not so ! If it were simple, most people would not have such difficulty in this process.

Controlling carbohydrate, giving preference to their intake immediately upon waking ( at that time have reduced levels of glycogen , the carbohydrate intake is needed ) and the meal immediately before training ( providing better performance in training ) , selecting sources such as sweet potatoes , cassava , yam , yams , whole wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta , brown rice , oats , quinoa , amaranth , low glycemic index fruits ( apple, pear, etc. ) . In times prior periods with little energy expenditure , carbohydrate intake should be controlled . For example, if you work sitting in an office all afternoon , this beautiful plate of rice , beans, potatoes and noodles would be excessive . A small amount of brown rice or even , depending on the situation , total abstention from food sources of carbohydrates , would be a good measure . Have lunch a handyman should contain higher amounts of this nutrient .

As for fats , it's not so difficult . Nuts,avocados ,olive oil extra virgin olive oil , salmon , flaxseed , among other sources , provide us with good quality fats . Vitamins and minerals can be found in a wide variety of vegetables, whole grains , and are easily supplemented when necessary , especially when we talk of antioxidants (vitamin C , vitamin E , bioflavonoids , etc. ) .

Water , we all have the will ( at least for now ) , and its intake should be well distributed throughout the day . Studies have proven that people who drink more water between meals have greater control over appetite , showing greater reduction in body weight .

Now we come to the real purpose of the article . Proteins ! As said above , the ideal would be the presence of protein in all meals . If you doubt , look like is the physiques of those " lose weight " making a diet based on fruits, diet biscuit with jelly , cereal bars and other foods low in calories but also low in protein . These types of " schemes " basically consider that caloric intake should be less than energy expenditure , but do not consider several other key factors in the process. The individual manages to lose weight, but with the loss of muscle mass , gain another problem : Sagging !

Unfortunately , we have little food available with a good amount of protein of high biological value . Among them we can mention : poultry , lean beef , fish , eggs (mostly clear due to the high fat content of the yolk ) , some types of cheese ( especially cottage ) , yogurt ( preferably natural skimmed ) milk and ( versions with levels reduced fat and lactose intolerance for those who submit to this disaccharide ).

Therefore, to tailor a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner , it really is not that difficult , but the intermediate and options ?

Some more certain people would not have any problem in taking white eggs , chicken breast or some other protein food for work or school . Only that in addition to determining special conditions would be necessary for conservation.

Do you fit in the group of people who can not use these foods in the intermediate meals ?

Then use protein supplements !

The food supplement industry is evolving more each day . Today there are several options of protein supplements with nice flavors and forms of presentation and practice .

 Products in the form of gels and liquids ( " ready to drink " ) have also been growing in the market! Protein bars are also good options , but be always aware of the amount of carbohydrates and lipids . Each brand has a different nutritional value . Learn to choose yours!

Ready ! Solve the impasse of protein intake throughout the day , and adjust the other nutrients !

And now ? Finished ?

Not yet ! We have the possibility of some supplements to " protect" muscle catabolism , using them before and after training . In this period , when the objective is the reduction of body fat , we have had great success using whey protein hydrolyzate ( protein ultrafast absorption) before training and a shake containing whey protein alone ( rapid protein absorption) , micellar casein and waxy maize ( rapid absorption of carbohydrate ) . This " blend " could still be enriched by some more interesting products .

Follow the following tips :

Use before and after training :

BCAAs : Branched Chain Amino Acids with great anti - cabólico effect , since they are used as an energy source during exercise (remember that the pool of amino acids is our muscle mass ) . Its intake can vary between 1-5 grams before and after exercise , reaching even 10 grams for bodybuilding athletes . In some situations the use of BCAAs during exercise also presents interesting.

Glutamine : most abundant amino acid in blood plasma. Also features great anti - catabolic effect , and assist in maintaining the integrity of the immune system ( usually weakened in low calorie diets associated with intense training ) . Its intake can vary between 5 and 15 grams before and after exercise .

Arginine : especially in the form AKG (alpha -keto- glutarate ) this amino acid provides enhanced nitric oxide synthesis in the body , helping to increase blood flow in a vasodilator effect, improving nutrient uptake by the target muscles ( trained on ) . The recommended dose is 3 to 6 grams before exercise .

Creatine : Main energy source for high intensity and short duration activities ( weight training , for example) . For a long time this supplement was associated only with periods of muscle mass gain . Today we know its effectiveness also in the period of reduced body fat , it is very important for the maintenance of intense training , even when reducing calorie intake . Creatine linked to adequate carbohydrate diet does not provide unwanted water retention . It is recommended between 3 and 5 grams daily ( when administered with carbohydrates) .

Depending on the level of training, other supplements could be included , also with anti - catabolic properties . But this would require an individualized assessment .

There are rules ? Cake recipes ? Of course not . Everything that has been discussed above are only a few " tools " that we have . Up to the professional,they know how to work with each of them at the exact time and in the right amounts . Any error in the association between diet and training will result in loss of muscle and / or mass failure in losing body fat.

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