Tuesday 14 January 2014

Tips for effective cellulite(fatty deposits) reduction

Curvy women; almost all women suffer from cellulite . Many factors can cause cellulite, hormonal factors including , skin type , poor circulation , a diet high in saturated fat , age and genetic predisposition . Cellulite can also be caused by toxicity and accumulation of water .

Below are 10 tips and tricks to reduce the appearance of cellulite :
One. Follow a proper diet. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps because these foods contain water. Water is important because it contributes to the process of removing toxins . In my personal opinion, the right diet is the answer. Try to reduce body fat and you will notice changes in the appearance of cellulite . A raw food diet can also help, as it consists mainly of organic fruits ; raw vegetables, sprouts, nuts , seeds, seaweed , grains, legumes and purified water.

Two . Stay hydrated - Drink water to flush out toxins. Water also plays an important role in many bodily functions. The suitable amount of water by weight is obtained as follows : The weight divided by 2 equals the ounces to be ingested daily . Poe example, if you weigh 200 pounds , you should drink about 100 ounces of water a day.

Three . Watch your sodium intake. Salt causes water retention . Refined salt accumulation only toxicity adds body .

Four . Massage. The massage stimulates the flow of circulation and the lymphatic system. Make a circular massage the affected area with a cream to improve the appearance of cellulite is excellent.

Five . Use a reducing cellulite cream - Be sure to read the ingredients. Among the most effective ingredients for cellulite reduction include: retinol , caffeine , vitamin C and dimethylaminoethanol , also known as DMAE ( antioxidant from fish ) . It is important that each time thry exercise , especially cardio is applied to the affected area prior to the exercise area .
Six. You have to exercise. It is very important to do cardio and exercises that help burn calories and reduce body fat.20 minutes of strength training with five exercises for the upper part of the body and five for the lower body , and 20 minutes of walking or jogging , staying at about 70 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate , for three days a week . "

Seven. Medical treatments - There are many medical treatments approved by various medical institution , and studies show that some may work . Some of these treatments include ultrasound , radiofrequency, cavitation technology , etc ... Consult your physician for your best choice .

Eight. Supplements such as amino acids , carnitine , ginkgo biloba , antioxidants and healthy fats can help reduce the appearance of cellulite .

Nine. Avoid these foods : soda , fried foods , processed foods, sugar and salt. These foods promote the toxins in your body and cellulite will be worse.

Ten. Fiber: A healthy digestion is essential for the elimination of toxins. Toxins, as I mentioned before, cause cellulite . Eating high fiber foods like fruits , grains and flaxseed help good digestion.

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