Monday 14 April 2014

4 Home Remedies for Weight Loss More Effectively

Some years ago, I decided to lose weight because I had some extra kilos that bother me . And as always I was interested by healthier alternatives , researched and applied with great success several home remedies for weight loss.
    Maintaining an ideal weight is not just a matter of looking better , but is directly related to feel and be healthy. Unfortunately, most of the cumula body fat is usually in the abdomen, and this represents a huge risk to health quite risky diseases. So if you also want to lose weight and get a healthy slim body, today I will share with you three all-natural remedies so that you can achieve your goal.
What home remedies to lose weight I recommend ?
     Before you answer , I want to make something clear . If you really want to lose weight , you have to be convinced that you really want to make a change in your lifestyle . Crash diets are just temporary solutions , what you need is to make a genuine change that allows you to lead a healthy life from now on .
Your attitude should be positive , and instead of blaming you for your slow metabolism overweight or your lack of discipline at mealtime , devote yourself to look simple and natural solutions that gradually install new healthy habits for life , which help you reach and maintain your ideal weight.
    The good news is that with home remedies for weight loss , you will not make strict diets or spend hours in the gym , because its natural components will help you lose weight easily and without side effects. These remedies have properties that can block the ability to absorb certain carbohydrates generate satiety, accelerate metabolism and eliminate fat. Let us see what these powerful remedies that will help you lose weight quickly are;
   Cucumber: a home remedy is considered due to its fat burning properties and because it helps to remove fluid . It has very few calories, and provides many antioxidant vitamins , which remove toxins from the body .
Honey and lemon juice : Easy to prepare, just mix 3 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 tablespoons sugar in a quarter cup of warm water. Two glasses of this juice every day have a magical effect.
   Honey and ginger juice : To prepare, mix 2 tablespoons ginger extract 3 tablespoons honey . Take it twice a day , and soon you'll notice your fat burning effects.
Carrot juice : This juice is excellent for removing fat more . Just drink a glass of carrot juice fasting , every day you wake up soon .
    Cabbage: This plant has the power to prevent the sugar and carbohydrates are converted into fat, in addition to providing vitamins A and C which are very good for weight loss.
    Apple Cider Vinegar : This is another remedy with amazing results. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it all at once. Repeat this preparation 3 times a day , then I hope your comments of appreciation for the results obtained
Well , there are more home remedies for weight loss, but these 4 have really made ​​a difference in my efforts to lose weight and lead a healthy life . And the results were much more amazing and fast when I started to prepare meals that recommend Dave Ruel and Karine Losier in his book Metabolic KITCHEN . I already followed the blog for fitness and nutrition Karine as published these recipes do not hesitate to try. I'm grateful that I did today.
The book is not just a set of recipes for dieting more . Rather, you will not realize you 're on a diet , because you're going to prepare you are very nutritious and delicious meals that have a special power : activate your metabolism and make your body begins to burn more calories and faster.
You know , the home remedies for weight loss can also be easy to prepare and meals with very powerful effects.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Chinese massage techniques to reduce fat in the abdomen

Overweight not only adversely affects the appearance of the person, but also affects the heart and health in general, making it more disposed to heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis.

The causes of excess weight may be different: the excessive consumption of fat, in violation of the hormonal system, insufficient liver and kidney function, malnutrition and genetic factors. Chief among them - excessive food intake and lack of exercise, because of which calories are not consumed in the body and converted into body fat. Its accumulation leads to excess weight.

According to statistics, in most cases, the problem of excess weight begin with waist and abdomen, and therefore methods for weight reduction should primarily be targeted at this area.

Breathing exercises and massage, presented below will help you to effectively lose weight, soften and disperse the impact of calories from food consumed, thereby reducing the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and promoting metabolism and fat consumption. Simultaneously during practice you resolve the endocrine system, internal organs and metabolism, reduce fat deposits and strengthen the abdominal muscles. But before we proceed to the description of exercise and massage, will focus on two important points. First - proper breathing, the second - the right food.

Basic types of respiratory

Natural breathing. This is the easiest type of breathing, but do not fall into the illusion that each owns. Usually people do not mastered Qigong breathing difficulties. To this cause improper posture, uncomfortable clothes, excessive tension in the body and even abnormal gait. Natural breathing can be used not only during exercise but also in everyday life, is only properly adjust the position of the body and mental attitude. Having mastered this, you will turn any activity into a kind of Qigong, and every action will benefit.

Natural breathing to be shallow, loose, soft, long. This is not a mere collection of words, try to think about them, and then adjust the position of your body, your breathing to become really natural.

All Qigong exercises start with wild-type breathing.

Direct abdominal breathing. This is the most common type of breathing used in Qigong. Qigong breathing is carried out mainly by means of movements stomach, pulling and thrusting it. This so-called abdominal or abdominal breathing. In direct abdominal breathing inspiratory front abdominal wall bulges forward, as if the stomach is inflated. Aperture thus descends, creating a vacuum in the lungs and increases the volume of air inhaled. On the exhale, the belly pulled in, the diaphragm rises.

Reverse abdominal breathing. This type of breathing is the exact opposite of the previous one. When you inhale the anterior abdominal wall is pulled inward and slightly tighten the abdominal muscles. As you exhale, anterior abdominal wall bulges forward, diaphragm descends. It is believed that by pulling the belly on the breath, we get to make qi circulation via Chengdu.

Two types of abdominal breathing. First - this is a natural type of abdominal breathing, which can be both direct and inverse. During this breath is not envisaged to focus on the circulation of qi. It is always used in the initial stages of exercise, when you need to plunge into a state of rest, relax. The second type - the deep abdominal breathing. This is achieved by the gradual deepening and slowing the natural abdominal breathing.

Important Tips for a balanced diet

Adult person usually eats three times a day, and the interval between meals is about 5 hours. Since the food stays in the stomach about 4-5 hours, it is consistent with the normal operation of the body. If the interval is too long, you will experience the feeling of hunger, if too short - the digestive system, without having to do the job, can start to falter, which also affect appetite. Studies show that meals allows full stomach and intestines process food digesting all of it necessary. So, what should be of a our meals? A Chinese proverb says: "Good morning, eat, supplement naeshtes afternoon, evening - eating less." Good breakfast and full lunch will give the body the required amount of energy and nutrients required for a day of work or physical activity. Otherwise, you may experience a lack of sugar in the blood, heart palpitations, dizziness, confusion or fatigue. If you eat a lot for dinner and go to bed with a full stomach, you can wait for indigestion, obesity, hypertension or coronary heart disease. Special danger to overeating at night fatty and sugary food traps with coronary heart disease, because for them it is fraught with myocardial infarction in a dream that they should not forget the people of middle and old age.

1. Massage the acupuncture points of the abdomen

His right hand and push knead point-shan wan (located on the 5th tsuney above the navel), chung-wan (located at 4 cun above the navel), Jian-li (located at 2 cun above the navel), Qi-hai (located on 1 5 cun below the navel) and guan-yuan (located at 3 cun below the navel) for 30 seconds until tender and bursting with feeling. Repeat with your left hand massage.

Pushing and kneading acupoints

Defining "cun"
To find a specific acupuncture point, in addition to the use of different features, such as sensory organs, the boundaries of the forehead with the hair, nails, nipples, navel, convex and concave in the bone structure, skin folds, etc., applicable unit cun.

There are several ways to measure human cun. If you bend your middle finger, then the distance between the ends of the folds interphalangeal joints is considered one tsunem. One cun also taken width interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Width of four fingers (index, middle, ring and little finger), tight tabulated together with the back of the hand at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint crease is three cun.

2. Abdominal massage

Place the left palm on the navel, and the right to impose it on the back side, and in this position perform rubbing and clockwise rotation with both hands for a minute. Then in the next minute perform abdominal massage counterclockwise, moving from the inside to the outside, to the whole area became warm.

Rotation and rubbing the belly

3. Massage lumbosacral region

Place hands on either side of the spine and work out stroking motion from top to bottom and bottom to top. Rubbing start from the center to the outer sides of the back, gradually covering the entire lumbosacral region, for two minutes until the sensation of heat over the entire section.

Stroking the lumbosacral region

4. Squeezing and kneading the abdomen

Fingers of both hands repeatedly lift and knead tissue of the abdominal wall for a minute.

Squeezing and kneading the abdomen

5. Pushing and rubbing the belly

United fingers of both hands (but big) push the belly downwards over two minutes.

Pushing and rubbing the belly

6. Shaking belly

Place the palms of your hands on either side of the lower abdomen. Due to the force quickly shake hands and shake the waist area for a minute.

Shaking belly

Power should be concentrated in the hands and fingers. Brush the surface should not come off the skin, and the shoulders should remain motionless and avoid pressure. This method effectively eliminates stagnation and congestion dissipates, relaxes muscles.

The effect
All the above methods help to reduce body fat in the abdominal area.

Improve the circulation of qi and blood circulation.

Contribute to improving metabolism.

Allow to accelerate the withdrawal of toxins and poisons.

Recommend performing a massage in the morning and evening.


Along with being overweight and obese come chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system , problems with joints and spine , disruptions in the hormonal system . Moreover, according to recent studies obesity provokes the development of some cancers. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) now there are more than 1 billion adults are overweight . They are about 30 % - about 300 million people - are obese, high body fat percentage is above 20 % in men and over 30 % - females.

To avoid becoming one of the participants in this sad statistic and quickly reduce the percentage of body fat ,scientists from the U.S. University of Michigan Health (University of Michigan Health System) developed several useful recommendations.

They will help you stick to an active lifestyle and eating habits to revise towards a healthy diet and normalization of lipid metabolism. We call these recommendations 8 -D steps to reduce the amount of fat in the body.

Step 1
Add in the daily diet of foods high in "slow" carbohydrates and protein. Eat fruits , vegetables, greens, whole grains , lean meats and fish. Avoid cakes, cookies , ice cream, baking , sweets and desserts , fried foods and foods cooked in oil.

Step 2
Start the morning with a glass of clean water. Drink water before lunch and dinner - filling the stomach with water, you will reduce the risk of overeating . And do not forget to drink water throughout the day. Try low-calorie drinks , give up lattes , coffee , desserts, sweet tea , alcohol and soda.

Step 3
Divide the daily ration into several meals at intervals of not more than two or three hours. Pick a combination of foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates and eat small portions , without waiting for hunger. For example, this can be a snack fruit salad + peanut butter sandwich .

Step 4
Studying the menu at the restaurant , choose healthy foods. Prefer dishes , steamed , baked or boiled . Discard the food with high content of oils, fatty cream sauces , cheese . Do not get carried away and savory spices - they encourage appetite.

Step 5
Chew your food slowly . Put a fork next piece only after thoroughly chewed and swallowed the previous one. This will prevent you from overeating.

Step 6
Devote three days a week of interval training (high intensity course, after prior consultation with your doctor ) . Choose any cardio that appeal to you liking : running, cycling , jumping rope , speed climbs the stairs , rowing, elliptical training on simulators.

Each workout begins with an easy five-minute warm-up , then go to the block of intensive exercise , and after returning to the low-intensity exercise . Finish the workout easy five-minute cool-down .

Step 7
Begin to engage in the gym. Bench press and standing, bending and squatting with weights - depending on the starting weight lifter , these exercises allow you to burn an hour from 350 to 500 , and sometimes up to 700-800 calories. In operation, the muscles will burn fat , thereby reducing body fat percentage. Remember that muscle is heavier than fat . Do not be surprised if at first a little weight will grow. The main index - the volume in centimeters.

Step 8
Looking for like-minded people and get involved in amateur sports associations in your area. Look for travel companions for jogging through sports social networks , during a lunch break or invite for a jog in the gym colleagues to your day has been more active.

And finally, the most important and effective step - get busy today!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Foods for reducing belly fat

Incorporating certain foods into your diet and adding a proper exercise routine , you will achieve getting rid of that uncomfortable abdominal fat.

Believe it or not , the problem of accumulation of fat in the abdomen affects millions of people around the world, regardless of their physical condition, and this issue is complex even for people without overweight. No wonder more and more increase liposuction and surgery to remove the uncomfortable " roll " .

But watch out, you should be clear that there are natural and healthy ways to help you combat this nuisance without exposing your body interventions that ultimately may be harmful .

The first thing is to know that our body has fat as energy reserves to protect from climate change and is necessary for normal functioning of the organs , but when these energies are not used and consumed become more fatty acids accumulate in the liver and muscle tissues .

Risk of abdominal fat

According to research in Finland and published in the journal European Health Journal, the fat stored in the stomach area creates health hazards due to the potential increase of clogged arteries and may lead to future heart problems. Therefore, it is recommended that the waist in men does not exceed 102 inches and in the case of women than beyond 88 inches.

There are several factors that contribute to the accumulation of abdominal fat in the body, some of them are: sedentary lifestyle, stress , genes, triglycerides, hormones and poor diet .

Fat burning foods

So it is important that you know and that you include in your usual schedule the following foods that allow you to get rid of the annoying and harmful belly fat :

. 1 - low -fat dairy products : This group includes milk , yogurt and low-fat cheeses include, but are all high in calcium content , since this element helps break down fat cells. Remember that it is essential that these products are nonfat .

. 2 - Citrus : Like oranges , grapefruits and lemons by the high content of vitamin C , which helps the body process fat faster and allow combat insulin that lead to weight gain .

. 3 - Melon : This fruit is rich in potassium which can regulate levels of sodium and deal with the problems of swelling.

. 4 - Nuts: Because this fruit contains Omega 3 helps reduce levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which contributes to weight gain . The important thing is to have them in proper doses and not abuse them.

. 5 - Almonds : On the glycemic index can control sugar levels and helps activate the metabolism . They are also rich in protein, calcium , fiber and Omega 3, transforming them into important sources of energy. It also should eat smaller portions 10 and 15 is desirable .

6 - Avena . Has high levels of fiber and protein , which helps to reduce cholesterol levels . He was also known as a blood purifier due to substances possessing , allowing encapsulated fats and then expel toxins from the body.

. 7 - Vegetables high in fiber : In this group, spinach , broccoli and asparagus , because they have a high thermic effect and a low calorie density . Its nutrients allow the intestines to absorb less fat , optimizing the functioning of the digestive system and strengthening the immune system.

. 8 - Raspberries , Strawberries, Blackberries and Blueberries : These fruits contain a high amount of fiber and water , and top it off with few calories. Similarly, possess flavonoids which helps to regulate the levels of sodium and have anthocyanins , inhibiting the absorption of fats and sugars. The recommendation is to eat between meals.

. 9 - Salmon: This food represents a high source of Omega 3 and has protein that contributes to the formation of good cholesterol (HDL ) , activating the metabolism and encouraging the spending of excess abdominal fat. Similarly, their fatty acids suppress the accumulation of fat in the body .

10 - Olive Oil . This element is rich in unsaturated fats which benefits our body. Promotes nutrient absorption and lowers cholesterol levels. Yes, it is essential not to use it as cooking oil , as its composition changes .

Bonus Track : Another food known for its anti- abdominal fat is green tea because it stimulates metabolism, regulates glucose levels and reduces blood pressure. Contains polyphenols that help control stress hormones , and decrease the conversion of glucose into fat. If you consume after meals benefits the passage of food through the gut , facilitating the absorption of nutrients.

Adding these foods to your diet , practicing at least 30 minutes a day of physical and being patient and persevering activity, you'll not only have a flat stomach but will also improve your physical appearance and most importantly, your health.

10 Effective Tips to reduce fat

Here are 10 tips to reduce fat you get . Remember, the key is to combine an exercise plan and adequate nutrition, without losing sight of the supplements and the genetic component of each person.

You have to combine exercise with proper balanced nutrition , tailored to your caloric expenditure , not to mention some very important allies supplements . But do not forget that there are other factors that will significantly determine your percentage of body fat , such as genetics, for example.

1. Reduce calories, but not excessively . This often leads to a situation of lack of basic nutrients and especially slowing of metabolism with the risk that , when the diet is abandoned , lost weight and sometimes even more fat mass recovers at first .

2 . Increase your energy expenditure. It takes at least three hours a week of aerobic exercise for three weeks for an improved metabolic lipid utilization . There is an increased caloric requirement to run, bike and elliptical . The ideal intensity would be slightly above our aerobic threshold .

3 . Add bodybuilding. Increases fat reduction and, above all , to preserve or improve muscle mass and to maintain a good performance and optimal immune function.

4 . Divide the calories. It is demonstrated that food intake increases metabolism and increased use of carbohydrates for at least about three hours . Fractional intake during the day food allows us to maintain a higher metabolic rate and nutrient supply throughout the day .

5 . Watch the salt. Causes water retention in the body , but if you're careful endurance athlete and you sweat a lot , you need to retain a certain amount of water to perform well .

6. Out " empty calories." Highly processed foods with added fats and sugars have many poor nutritional value, not bring anything interesting , only calories will be stored as fat .

7. Planifícate . Be clear about what you 're gonna do workouts , foods that are going to take supplements that benefit you , etc. . It will be easier to get your target if you aim all in one day.

8. Assist with " reducing fat " effective. You will reduce fat faster and more effectively. Also many increase your energy level and therefore are a good complement to train .

9. Carbohydrates yes or no ? Carbohydrates yes! Most athletes who want to cut a little fat levels need to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. The type itself is important , generally low glycemic index, which come from whole sources and are also rich in fiber and other nutrients such as minerals or vitamins.

10. Take your time. Do you want to get results overnight . If we reduce fat progressively also more easily retain muscle mass and our performance , muscle and health forms will be much better.

Saturday 18 January 2014

How to reduce fat around the waist

Fat that accumulates around the waist and abdomen can be very dangerous for your health. Fat in this area of ​​the body dangerous because it accumulates around the major organs of the body . This increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. There are many things you can do to reduce waist , belly , reduce/burn fat and improve your health.

01. Start eating a diet food, fish and poultry , whole grains and dairy products low in fat . Create healthy changes in your diet, reduce the amount of sugar and fat that you eat,go for that which will give you more energy and nutrients for your body .

02. Reducing the number of calories consumed per day. Try to reduce the consumption of products containing sugar , such as confectionery, sugary drinks and fried foods .

03. Eat breakfast; diet high in protein. Eating protein in the morning will speed up your metabolism so you start to burn calories more efficiently throughout the day. Foods rich in protein can also help you feel full.

04. Eat several times a day but small portions . Skipping lunch or dinner will not help you lose weight, but slows down your metabolism so that your body can not effectively burn calories.

05. Strengthening your muscles will also help burn fat more efficiently . Strength training will also help burn more calories . You can strengthen your abdominal muscles , doing exercises that focus on this area.

06. Flee to burn belly fat. Flee from 30 to 60 minutes, 2 to 4 times a week, if you are able to do so. If you can not run, walk the same amount of time. Interval training is an effective tool .

07. Sit back and learn how to cope with stress. Stress can cause the body to store fat in the waist and abdomen. To calm the nerves , do some yoga or meditation.

08. Need to sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day to reduce the hormones that increase appetite . Lack of sleep can lead to a desire to eat more , so make sure your body gets enough rest .

09. Be active as you can. Moving in performing daily activities will help you burn more calories and keep your metabolism . Use the stairs instead of the elevator , stand and walk more often , if you sit at a desk for long periods of time .

You want to reduce/Loose belly fat ? Avoid these products .

There are certain foods that should be avoided if you want to get rid of belly fat. Many women over 40 are interested in what kind of products . For women in this age group can be quite difficult to get rid of any fat on the body, it occurs due to factors such as hormonal changes , stress and delay metabolism. If you need help in achieving the " flat stomach " , the information in this article will certainly enlighten you !
Foods to avoid in order to lose belly fat :


Unfortunately , many women over 40 think that it is perfectly normal to drink soda every day (especially low-calorie ) . It is a common misconception - you should avoid soda, if you want to get rid of belly fat. Sugary drinks with a reduced-calorie contain artificial sweeteners that are bad for the body . However, many women believe that if a low-calorie drink , it can be used more. Drink clean water and green tea - only these drinks to help cope with your problem.


Most women over 40 have heard that calcium is a super tool to help burn excess fat . But some dairy products, especially milk, will only increase your fat stores . If you do your weight , go to the dairy products with low fat content. And always read the label before buying to make sure that the product does not contain tons of calories.


Fast foods are perhaps the greatest temptation for women after 40. Who does not love to sit with children in " McDonalds " , dipping delicious french fries in cheese sauce ? However long known that food cooked in a large amount of oil contains a large amount of saturated fats, which help your body get extra calories and carbohydrates. In truth, you could eat two or three servings of healthy food at home , while receiving the same amount of calories, but much more useful.


You eat , but now I want to eat and so the hand reaches for a bag of chips or cookies . Stop! You may have to destroy all the good that you did during the day . Any starter usually loaded trans - fats, which does not only contribute to the appearance of large abdominal cholesterol but also increase , causing disease. Remove from your diet; chips, cookies and cakes , to make room for fresh fruits and vegetables . Women over 40 are tempted by these snacks, like no other.

Other foods to avoid if you want to get rid of belly fat :
Desserts , pancakes , processed foods containing high amounts of saturated fats. Reading labels - a troublesome thing , but because you want to be slim , fit with tummy ?
Women over 40 who eat a healthy diet , making the basis of their diet of fruits, vegetables , protein and whole grains, almost worried that it would take too many calories and fat. Destroy your rotund midsection , destroying food and beverages mentioned above !

Exercises to Reduce belly fat in 1 week

Excess belly fat can put you in an awkward position . In addition, excess body fat leads to obesity , which is a risk factor for many health problems . Obese people are at higher risk of suffering from heart disease , high blood pressure, stroke , etc. To prevent this condition , you need to check obesity and shed excess fat in the body. You may be aware that it is important to exercise and diet for natural weight loss . You do not need training for long hours or starve yourself for this . There are some simple exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week. Let's look at them in more detail .

Below are some of the best fat reducing exercises to lose belly fat in one week :


Crunches are considered some of the best exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week. There are different types of abdominal crisis as a bike , twisting crisis diagonal crisis , etc. Among others, the best diagonal crunches to lose belly fat fast. First, you have to lie on your back , hands behind your neck and your knees bent . Now raise your left shoulder and right knee up and twist until the two parts touch . Then lower and repeat with both the right shoulder and left knee . Do this for 1 - 2 minutes each day.


Squat exercises are also effective in getting rid of fat from the abdomen and legs. They can be easily performed at home. Here you have to crouch down , bending your knees (not the back) , as if you are going to sit on the floor . Bend close to the floor , but do not stop your body on the floor , now back on its feet . This allows you to lose weight fast.

Plank exercises

Plank exercise is another exercise to lose belly fat in 1 week. First, you have to lie on the mat face down the forearm and palm rest on the floor. Now press your body off the floor, picking up on the toes and on his elbows . Do not touch the ground and keep your back flat in a straight line with your fingers. Hold this position for 15 seconds. It helps to lose belly fat in one week .


Among the various cardiovascular exercises , swimming is the best and most effective , as it leads to burning more fat than any other exercise. Daily pool for 20 - 30 minutes will burn about 400 - 500 calories .

Going out

Stepping may also be included in your fat burning exercises . This exercise can also be done at home. You can use the stairs at home or buy a stair climber for this purpose. Every 15 - 20 minutes of stepping can help in quick weight loss .

Along with this, you can go to other cardiovascular exercises such as cycling , brisk walking, jogging and running for burning fat. If you shed the fat on your stomach, you can go for muscle building exercises like pull ups and push-ups . Along with these exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week , you need to follow a diet for the same. It is important to reduce the processing and junk food , and include fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein like beans, fish, etc. in your daily diet . You should also include carbohydrates in your diet fat burning for energy.

It was one of the best exercises to lose belly fat in 1 week. Finally, it is recommended for people with chronic diseases and pregnant women to consult a doctor before going for any diet or exercise regimen . Good luck!

Tips for reducing Belly Fat Fast

You eat right, get enough sleep , drink fresh juices and water instead of fountain drinks, but for some reason , that little bit of flab on my stomach just will not leave you alone. What is going wrong? Many of you may wonder how to lose belly fat fast ? You have worked very hard to get yourself back into shape, and the only thing that bothers you now those few stubborn inches on your waist . So the answer to getting rid of belly fat ? It is simple, the best way to lose belly fat fast is through exercise. But we do not just stop there and leave you alone to figure out what exercises are ideal to lose belly fat . We have collected useful exercises and some useful tips on how to lose belly fat fast .

Exercise to lose belly fat

There is not just one exercise to lose belly fat fast. This set of exercises that will get the job done. In order to find out exactly how to lose belly fat fast , do the following exercises correctly.

Training number 1 - Intensive Crunches

What could be better target belly fat than doing abdominal exercises . There are many options that you can do and get a quick result . Here's how to make the standard abdominals.

* On the floor , place mat exercises and lie on their backs

* Keep your hands behind your head and bend your legs

* Part of the feet shoulder width apart and let your elbows point to the sides

* Inhale and exhale,

* Hold for a second breath and go back down

* Do 3 sets of 15 . Increase in the enrollment at your convenience

Training number 2 - Removing Scissors

Now this exercise may seem ridiculous . Nevertheless , it is very effective , as it focuses on the core muscles and actually makes them work .

* Lie on your back on the floor, on an exercise mat

* Keep your hands on the floor , stretched out both sides

* Inhale and lift your legs to 45 degrees

* Now open wide leg and make a «V»

* As you exhale, gently lift your head and shoulders off the floor

* Keep breathing normally now and bring your legs together

* Cross , when they get together and do "X"

* Again, make "V" and go back down

Take the legs down , return to the starting position

* Do 2 sets of 10 - 15. Increase in the enrollment at your convenience

Training number 3 - lying bike

This is a simple exercise that helps you lose belly fat . From the comfort of your home or in the gym , try it at the next workout.

* Place an exercise mat on the floor and lie on your back

* Keep your hands behind your head

* Breathe in again and exhale lift your knees

* Bring your knees to your chest and keep them there

* Keep breathing normally and lift the blade from the floor

* Keep your chin up and start cycling in the air

* Alternate legs and rotate your upper body slightly

* Do 3 sets of 20 - 30.

Training number 4 - Cardiovascular exercises

Including a variety of cardio exercises to lose belly fat really works wonders. This will not only help you shed those extra flab , but also tones you correctly . This cardiovascular exercise :

* Cycling

* Pool

* Walking

* Running and jogging

* Tourism

Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Now, when we saw what kind of exercise will benefit you to learn how to lose belly fat quickly, we will look at some useful tips as well. Why ? Because training is not the only thing that will give you the desired change . Here are a few tips to lose belly fat.

* Do not skip breakfast

* Try including at least 5 - 6 small , healthy meals

* Do not binge on food , do not hurry

* Water, water, and more water

* Get a good night's sleep

Take a little stress as you can

* Keep yourself motivated , ask someone to help you

If you have a hectic school and / or work schedule that does not allow enough time to exercise, try taking a short walk after lunch and dinner . Now that you know how to lose belly fat , do not vary from it. Make sure that you follow these tips and exercises , as well as get the body you always wanted.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

7 tips on how to get rid of fat on the arms

Do you have a bit of unwanted fat on the arms , and you had to wear clothes with long sleeves to hide their hands? Here are a few tips on how to get reducing and getting rid of it  .

1. tightening

This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of fat on the arms . You should try to catch up to the chin in order to achieve maximum effect . First, it will be very difficult, especially if you have never done it before . Your hands have to exert much effort to getting your chin up to the crossbar and a positive impact on their form.

2 . pool

Swimming is a good pastime in the summer , and in winter you can find an indoor swimming pool . You can swim a variety of styles , crawl, breaststroke , or just relax on the back. Anyway , this is an effective way to burn fat on your hands . You can also replace swimming team games for fun on the water. For example, water polo and volleyball.

3 . dumbbells

Dumbbells are very effective to fight fat on hand. Can you think of a variety of exercises for your arms. Very useful to raise two hands with dumbbells up and then slowly lower them forward.

4 . diet

You need to reduce the amount of harmful and heavy products in your diet . Avoid fast foods and fatty foods that contain unhealthy fats . This is what you should do in any case , if you want to get rid of fat on the arms . Remember not the taste of the product , but about the impact they have on your body .

5 . Aerobics load Hand

Aerobics is very useful for cardiovascular exercise and burns fat effectively , not only on the hands, but also in all areas of your body . Perhaps for more efficient burning fat on the arms , you will need to pick up a dumbbell with aerobics . You will notice results after a few weeks .

6. pushups

We all know that pushups are good for our arms and chest , making them an effective means to burn fat on your hands . There are plenty of different kinds of push-ups , for example,a very effective push-ups on one arm at a certain angle .

7. Simulator for shoulder

With this simulator you can set up a schedule to get rid of fat on the arms . But do not overdo it because it can lead to muscle strain on your hands . You can start with a small weight and gradually increase the load. This is the most effective exercise to convert fat into muscle.

Each of these methods allows you to not only get rid of fat on the arms , but also lose weight . Eat the right foods and do not drink heavy fats. Such a diet will give you a good post for sports. Together these techniques will help you achieve this goal .

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Useful tips to increase muscle mass and burn/reduce excess fat

You , of course, agree that being the owner of a beer belly and chest fat swim quite embarrassing . If you want to have the body you can be proud of and that you can demonstrate without shame on the beach , then you should work on it .

So, what to do in order to burn excess fat and build muscle?
The best way to lose weight is to perform exercises for the cardiovascular system . They will help you burn a lot of unnecessary fat and calories that will definitely help you lose weight. Diet is also an important factor in weight loss and , in most cases , this is the hardest part of the program to reduce excess body weight .

Dieting does not mean you have to starve to lose weight. Just need to eat properly .

This means that you need to eat less fatty foods containing substances necessary for normal functioning of the body. Eat plenty of foods high in fiber, and in order to increase muscle mass, include in your diet foods rich in protein , such as beef.

You should also reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates. Cutting the daily carbohydrate intake by 25% , you will see what a significant effect in the form of lost pounds overweight you get.

Exercises for the cardiovascular system will also help you burn fat. Every morning before breakfast, go on a 30-minute jog or walk. This simple exercise greatly change your appearance. Exercising before breakfast, you can speed up metabolism. This means that you can burn excess fat more efficiently than if all were not engaged in the mornings.

Eat breakfast in the morning is also very important , as it helps even more to spur metabolism. Always remember that experts recommend having breakfast in the morning. It really helps to lose weight.

Also , when you come to a fitness club , it is useful to take the time to exercise the cardiovascular system . Running for at least 15 minutes on a treadmill will help you burn 100 to 150 calories .

After exercise for cardiovascular strength training time comes . For the maximum possible development of muscle you need to engage as much as possible with free weights ( barbells, dumbbells ) . Try as much as possible to engage in the gym , as they load only the core muscles , and muscle - stabilizers are left unattended. If you want to increase your muscle mass , you need to strengthen these muscles support . This will help you to do the exercises with a barbell or dumbbells with more weight . In fact, if you do not strengthen the muscles stabilizers will not be able to achieve growth in the core muscles .

These are some facts that you need to know to reduce excess body weight/fat and increase muscle . Maintaining a large muscle mass requires a lot of calories. Thus, working on the development of muscle , you hereby are contributing to weight loss/fat reduction and maintaining good physical shape . Applying these tips into practice , you will soon get rid of excess weight/fat and gain muscle,you can be proud of .

General tips to reduce fat when cooking

Whether you 're dieting or not these tips will always be welcome as fat intake is almost always above those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO ) quantities.

With these tips you can reduce fat when cooking

• Remove all visible fat from meat and skin from poultry before cooking. If you want you can marinate the meat with spices or herbs.

• Use simple cooking ways that do not require a lot of oil : iron , grill , oven , microwave ...

• The use of ultrafast pressure cookers can cook with little water. Thus all properties of food are preserved. The same applies if you use the steamer .

• Use aluminum foil to cook meat and fish. This form of wrapping food (also referred to " papillote " ) allow stew in their own juice. To add more flavor you can put them over chopped vegetables , spices , herbs or sprinkle with a little broth or wine.

• When making stews , prepare in advance. Let cool in the fridge and remove the layer of fat with a spoon or spatula .

• If you must use a sauce to add to a salad you can use plain yogurt , lowered with lemon juice . You can also try soy sauce, adding some spice or herb aromatic.

• To prepare cheese sauce use milk or skimmed milk or Parmesan cheese. In preparing the bechamel sauce use olive oil or reduced-calorie margarine and skim milk.

• In the preparation of dishes that require mayonnaise , choose those that are low in calories.

• Do not buy commercial sauces because they often contain hidden fats . The best salsa is still fresh tomato sauce , to do without oil on low heat and adding some herbs, such as oregano , mint or thyme .

Some tips to help reduce the fat in food.

Today I 'll give you some tips to reduce fat in food.

Always use dietary measures that you will get reduce the absorption of fat in food for a relief for your health and a powerful weapon in your personal crusade against the extra kilos and allies to lose weight.

For those who has the incorrect belief that if the consumption of meat and fish is reduced, the protein content of the diet is reduced, but the truth is that to develop recipes with no animal fats and quality protein , you just have to adjust certain vegetables with skill.

To decrease fat is good; sprinkle with sesame seeds as they are very rich in phytosterols, an element that absorbs cholesterol from meat , fish , seafood , egg, favoring its elimination through feces.

If you complete your salads with cabbage this acts as a sort of sponge that absorbs fat foods with which integrates in the same meal . Frequent consumption of this vegetable; you can chop into strips and add to the salad raw , reduces the amount of fat running through the intestinal wall and reach the bloodstream.

An excellent complement to grab fat are capsules of chitosan. Abusers meats , sausages, bakery products , etc. . , Act well to take a charge of chitosan at the same time to improve your diet . This substance of marine origin rather reduces cholesterol levels and assist to lose weight, since it captures up to five times its weight in fat. But take it apart carefully as lipids , may limit the absorption of other nutrients, should be taken under professional control.

Also, always add a few slices of cucumber sandwiches , is very healthy and able to slow the absorption of oil , butter with bread or sausages smeared .

These were the tips I wanted to offer today , are easy to follow and very effective ,I encourage you to try them !

Tips for effective cellulite(fatty deposits) reduction

Curvy women; almost all women suffer from cellulite . Many factors can cause cellulite, hormonal factors including , skin type , poor circulation , a diet high in saturated fat , age and genetic predisposition . Cellulite can also be caused by toxicity and accumulation of water .

Below are 10 tips and tricks to reduce the appearance of cellulite :
One. Follow a proper diet. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps because these foods contain water. Water is important because it contributes to the process of removing toxins . In my personal opinion, the right diet is the answer. Try to reduce body fat and you will notice changes in the appearance of cellulite . A raw food diet can also help, as it consists mainly of organic fruits ; raw vegetables, sprouts, nuts , seeds, seaweed , grains, legumes and purified water.

Two . Stay hydrated - Drink water to flush out toxins. Water also plays an important role in many bodily functions. The suitable amount of water by weight is obtained as follows : The weight divided by 2 equals the ounces to be ingested daily . Poe example, if you weigh 200 pounds , you should drink about 100 ounces of water a day.

Three . Watch your sodium intake. Salt causes water retention . Refined salt accumulation only toxicity adds body .

Four . Massage. The massage stimulates the flow of circulation and the lymphatic system. Make a circular massage the affected area with a cream to improve the appearance of cellulite is excellent.

Five . Use a reducing cellulite cream - Be sure to read the ingredients. Among the most effective ingredients for cellulite reduction include: retinol , caffeine , vitamin C and dimethylaminoethanol , also known as DMAE ( antioxidant from fish ) . It is important that each time thry exercise , especially cardio is applied to the affected area prior to the exercise area .
Six. You have to exercise. It is very important to do cardio and exercises that help burn calories and reduce body fat.20 minutes of strength training with five exercises for the upper part of the body and five for the lower body , and 20 minutes of walking or jogging , staying at about 70 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate , for three days a week . "

Seven. Medical treatments - There are many medical treatments approved by various medical institution , and studies show that some may work . Some of these treatments include ultrasound , radiofrequency, cavitation technology , etc ... Consult your physician for your best choice .

Eight. Supplements such as amino acids , carnitine , ginkgo biloba , antioxidants and healthy fats can help reduce the appearance of cellulite .

Nine. Avoid these foods : soda , fried foods , processed foods, sugar and salt. These foods promote the toxins in your body and cellulite will be worse.

Ten. Fiber: A healthy digestion is essential for the elimination of toxins. Toxins, as I mentioned before, cause cellulite . Eating high fiber foods like fruits , grains and flaxseed help good digestion.

Monday 13 January 2014

5 Tips to Reduce Body Fat

Exercise helps to reduce body fat
The scope of getting a low percentage of body fat , it may be easier or harder , depending on your body metabolism . Some people are just lucky enough to eat a lot without gaining weight , regardless of age . But for most of us , however , try to keep body fat in check can become an uphill struggle .

Here I leave 5 tips you can follow to lose fat corporal.adopt very effective tips and really help you, but only if you commit and how you adopt part of your daily routine and lifestyle.

5 Tips to Reduce Body Fat

Tip 1: Eat complex carbohydrates , but do it before 19:00 pm.

Complex carbohydrates are better than simple , as they are as slow release energy . This allows your body to digest better and not have to worry about which carbohydrates are converted into body fat. Additionally , consuming carbohydrates before 7 pm , your body will have enough time to digest and use energy .

Tip 2: Fat is good !

Do not avoid fats. Your body needs fat , especially if you live in cold countries. The fat will give thermal insulation and can protect you from serious injury when falling. It is important to eat healthy unsaturated fat, such as coconut oil and essential fatty acids. Of course , this may not give you free rein to eat as much fat as you want; moderation above all things .

Tip 3: Control your portions

One of the problems many overweight people have is that "they eat at view." They look at food as a child looking at a candy store . There's nothing wrong with candy if taken in small amounts. This also applies to foods. Avoid the buffet table and accumulate food on your plate .

Tip 4 : Make training for the heart

Cardiovascular exercises are good for reducing body fat and keep it off . Your heart may also benefit from a good aerobic exercises, improving their ability to work. The reality is that if you can not climb 15 steps of stairs without fatigued , then you have to start training now!

Tip 5: Do not buy prepared foods

Try home cooking. This way you can control the fat content and will probably have better taste than any fast food .

With just these 5 tips , a little motivation and determination , you can lose body fat faster than imagined.

Three exercise to reduce belly fat

Need a good exercise to reduce belly fat? We can all have something fat busting exercises below to help stomach. To achieve this , you can do some efficient fat burning exercises on your own  at home without any fancy or expensive fitness equipment. Below are 3 examples of great midsection exercises that you can do at home.

Renegade Dumbbell Rows

This is an excellent workout that your entire mid-section actually works. After running a series of these, you'll really feel it stretch in your abs(abdominal muscles) .

Start by two dumbbells on the floor, one in each hand. Your arms should be shoulder -width apart .Then rest your body weight on the hands (grab the dumbbells ), your thigh and leg behind you,expand so that you are in a push-up position.

Now, take your right arm and pull it back, so that the barbell is on your belly . While you do that , keep the left arm steel firmly on the ground . Imagine that you are pressing into the floor. Bring the right arm back to the starting position straight. Next, drag to keep your right dumbbell to the floor, your left elbow again with the same way.

Although it seems like an arm exercise , it gives your abs(abdominal muscles) a serious workout. It teaches you balance and stability. It is actually stabilizing the arm , which triggers the actual training. You feel it expand when you drag the opposite arm back !

Front squats with a barbell

Front Squats are also a good exercise for the removal of abdominal fat. Note; causes the legs routes , but it is actually the muscles in your abdominal area.

The best grip for front squats is the soft handle . Instead of the traditional handle, this one crossed in front of the arms , so that the barbell rests on the shoulders with the hands as support. The elbows are still facing forward , but the soft handle give your abs(abdominal muscles) more action .

Handle requires some originally obtained workout right . Can someone explain how it is carried out , or have a teacher to demonstrate for you . Like all barbell training ,you can not chew bit off more than your weight here . In addition, you do not recover from the ground when you come, as you tried to do . This is not only to reduce a workout belly fat , it will help strengthen and tone your legs .

Perform The Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is a good exercise for the provision of your stomach a much needed workout. The easiest way to do this is with a ball and hold it in front of you with both hands while sitting on the floor. Turn one way , at an angle of 45 degrees. Back and core should be straight, but do allow your belly , twisting and you come down to enjoy it there . 45 degrees to go one way, and then do it the opposite way .

That's all to it . If you feel any routes in your stomach, you are running something wrong. Make sure that you are not turning the base of the spine or shoulders. You should feel it in your belly.

The above exercises are great abdominal exercises. However, remember that you want to completely get rid of your belly fat, you have something more than just work the middle part to do. Yes, I am talking about full body exercises , and this is a must . The most effective full body exercises consist of cardio exercise and strength training. To reduce all-round exercise belly fat is also the way to go . Learning more about this principle is best to lose belly fat.

Have your whole body working and you not only see great improvement in the abdominal area but also on the whole body , arm , back and thighs . Check out the Truth About Abs(abdominal muscles) review to reach for the recommended program , a sexy toned stomach or rock hard six pack abs (abdominal muscles).

Saturday 11 January 2014

Reduce Body Fat Percentage: What Does It Has To Do With Our metabolism?

Whether the body fat reduce , directly depends on our metabolism. Metabolism is the way in which our body  processes and consume food . People have difficulty slimming, slimming generally have a low metabolism, people have easily or never gain a faster metabolism . Fat people are therefore more comfortable, lean people are often overactive.

With age, the metabolism slows down . This is the main reason why older people gain easier and faster. But many young people are currently far too thick. Reducing body fat percentage for teens is very important. Many move too little and have a low metabolism.

Anyone who wants to successfully reduce body fat percentage needs to increase its metabolism. Therefore one must properly nourish and develop more physical activity . Our body uses 60 % -65 % of the energy that we receive , for its maintenance and a basic amount of energy , 25% for physical activity and 10% when eating and digestion. So we have to make sure that we really consume the 25 % share for physical activity as well.

Foods that are increases our metabolism the natural way:



green tea


Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli

If we incorporate these foods into our daily diet , we bring our metabolism up to speed and successfully reduce body fat percentage. During the weight loss period, you should not consume more than 1200-1500 Kcal . If you have reached your desired weight once , never more than 2000 calories per day. Saturated fats , sugar, desserts, cakes and lemonade , one should emphasize from the diet .

Training exercises such as cycling , swimming, aerobics , skating or jogging are very helpful in promoting our metabolism. Make your exercises are as a fixed daily habit . Do you run on the treadmill , visit a gym or do weight training. In order to improve not only their endurance and stamina , you also burn extra fat and transform this fat into muscle .

There is no reason to want to lose weight with a complicated diet. A few simple physical activities such as running, swimming, jogging etc. and a healthy diet are able to reduce enough body fat percentage.


When we talk about supplements used in diets in order to reduce body fat, immediately many alternatives comes to mind such as conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) ,herbals( Koubo , pholiamagra , pholianegra , citrus aurantium , etc. ) , thermogenic ( based on caffeine and other stimulants) , L- carnitine , and others used to accelerate the metabolism and optimizing the utilization of fat as an energy source .

But in this article I want to focus the discussion on some supplements , very important in the " burning body fat " , but who have an indirect role in the process. Typically, these products are used only in phases whose goal is muscle hypertrophy .

First , let's clarify something basic , but I have great difficulty explaining to my;my overweight patients :

Losing weight on the scale is not equal to losing body fat !

Regardless of how much is the degree of overweight or obesity , we must take care not to lose muscle mass , because the loss of this tissue - metabolically active - would provide a reduction in basal metabolism , making it harder to fat loss after caloric restriction in some time .

A good result for reducing body fat without sacrificing lean mass will be obtained through training with weights , associated with aerobic conditions and a controlled diet . Many people who are overweight also are afraid of weight training because they imagine that this activity will not bring so many benefits to reducing body fat as aerobic exercise . Big mistake! The association of these activities is simply perfect when accompanied by a proper diet.

I like the word " diet " because it comes from Greek and means " life style " . And in my view , this is the best definition for adequate food . Even more these days , where to maintain proper nutrition , we have a different lifestyle of most people , dominated by sedentary lifestyle and unbridled power .

Theoretically , the basic diet to lose fat is simple : complex carbohydrates distributed throughout the day according to energy expenditure ( exercise) , distributed in all meals proteins , the presence of mono-and polyunsaturated (about 2/3 fats total consumption of fats, which must be between 20 and 30% of daily caloric intake ) vitamins and minerals in proper quantity, and of course hydration.

Simple, is it not ?

Not so ! If it were simple, most people would not have such difficulty in this process.

Controlling carbohydrate, giving preference to their intake immediately upon waking ( at that time have reduced levels of glycogen , the carbohydrate intake is needed ) and the meal immediately before training ( providing better performance in training ) , selecting sources such as sweet potatoes , cassava , yam , yams , whole wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta , brown rice , oats , quinoa , amaranth , low glycemic index fruits ( apple, pear, etc. ) . In times prior periods with little energy expenditure , carbohydrate intake should be controlled . For example, if you work sitting in an office all afternoon , this beautiful plate of rice , beans, potatoes and noodles would be excessive . A small amount of brown rice or even , depending on the situation , total abstention from food sources of carbohydrates , would be a good measure . Have lunch a handyman should contain higher amounts of this nutrient .

As for fats , it's not so difficult . Nuts,avocados ,olive oil extra virgin olive oil , salmon , flaxseed , among other sources , provide us with good quality fats . Vitamins and minerals can be found in a wide variety of vegetables, whole grains , and are easily supplemented when necessary , especially when we talk of antioxidants (vitamin C , vitamin E , bioflavonoids , etc. ) .

Water , we all have the will ( at least for now ) , and its intake should be well distributed throughout the day . Studies have proven that people who drink more water between meals have greater control over appetite , showing greater reduction in body weight .

Now we come to the real purpose of the article . Proteins ! As said above , the ideal would be the presence of protein in all meals . If you doubt , look like is the physiques of those " lose weight " making a diet based on fruits, diet biscuit with jelly , cereal bars and other foods low in calories but also low in protein . These types of " schemes " basically consider that caloric intake should be less than energy expenditure , but do not consider several other key factors in the process. The individual manages to lose weight, but with the loss of muscle mass , gain another problem : Sagging !

Unfortunately , we have little food available with a good amount of protein of high biological value . Among them we can mention : poultry , lean beef , fish , eggs (mostly clear due to the high fat content of the yolk ) , some types of cheese ( especially cottage ) , yogurt ( preferably natural skimmed ) milk and ( versions with levels reduced fat and lactose intolerance for those who submit to this disaccharide ).

Therefore, to tailor a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner , it really is not that difficult , but the intermediate and options ?

Some more certain people would not have any problem in taking white eggs , chicken breast or some other protein food for work or school . Only that in addition to determining special conditions would be necessary for conservation.

Do you fit in the group of people who can not use these foods in the intermediate meals ?

Then use protein supplements !

The food supplement industry is evolving more each day . Today there are several options of protein supplements with nice flavors and forms of presentation and practice .

 Products in the form of gels and liquids ( " ready to drink " ) have also been growing in the market! Protein bars are also good options , but be always aware of the amount of carbohydrates and lipids . Each brand has a different nutritional value . Learn to choose yours!

Ready ! Solve the impasse of protein intake throughout the day , and adjust the other nutrients !

And now ? Finished ?

Not yet ! We have the possibility of some supplements to " protect" muscle catabolism , using them before and after training . In this period , when the objective is the reduction of body fat , we have had great success using whey protein hydrolyzate ( protein ultrafast absorption) before training and a shake containing whey protein alone ( rapid protein absorption) , micellar casein and waxy maize ( rapid absorption of carbohydrate ) . This " blend " could still be enriched by some more interesting products .

Follow the following tips :

Use before and after training :

BCAAs : Branched Chain Amino Acids with great anti - cabólico effect , since they are used as an energy source during exercise (remember that the pool of amino acids is our muscle mass ) . Its intake can vary between 1-5 grams before and after exercise , reaching even 10 grams for bodybuilding athletes . In some situations the use of BCAAs during exercise also presents interesting.

Glutamine : most abundant amino acid in blood plasma. Also features great anti - catabolic effect , and assist in maintaining the integrity of the immune system ( usually weakened in low calorie diets associated with intense training ) . Its intake can vary between 5 and 15 grams before and after exercise .

Arginine : especially in the form AKG (alpha -keto- glutarate ) this amino acid provides enhanced nitric oxide synthesis in the body , helping to increase blood flow in a vasodilator effect, improving nutrient uptake by the target muscles ( trained on ) . The recommended dose is 3 to 6 grams before exercise .

Creatine : Main energy source for high intensity and short duration activities ( weight training , for example) . For a long time this supplement was associated only with periods of muscle mass gain . Today we know its effectiveness also in the period of reduced body fat , it is very important for the maintenance of intense training , even when reducing calorie intake . Creatine linked to adequate carbohydrate diet does not provide unwanted water retention . It is recommended between 3 and 5 grams daily ( when administered with carbohydrates) .

Depending on the level of training, other supplements could be included , also with anti - catabolic properties . But this would require an individualized assessment .

There are rules ? Cake recipes ? Of course not . Everything that has been discussed above are only a few " tools " that we have . Up to the professional,they know how to work with each of them at the exact time and in the right amounts . Any error in the association between diet and training will result in loss of muscle and / or mass failure in losing body fat.

Friday 10 January 2014

Amino acids and their importance for fat burning

Amino acids , vitamins , minerals and trace elements play an important role for the loss of body weight

If you put on weight or remain slim depends largely by hormones. And this is also the key to weight loss and reducing fat also: thanks to targeted intake of certain amino acids , stimulate the body to produce sufficient hormones to make us stay slim naturally and in harmony with the needs of our body.

An important hormone that helps keep you lean is growth hormone (STH ) . This hormone is produced during sleep , elevates protein synthesis and promotes the disposal of grease. Overweight people are characterized by low concentrations of STH , which often hinder the decrease in growth hormone peso.1 unfortunately it is very expensive (about 500-800 euro for monthly ration ) and the injection requires a strong and competent medical supervision. Therefore, it is less dangerous than the natural stimulation and endogenous to the release of this hormone. In many cases, certain amino acids have been shown to have exactly this effect , if taken at night on an empty stomach and in sufficient quantities .

The amino acids with these properties are :

Moreover , for the synthesis of growth hormone , is needed vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 and zinc.

The research showed that in the case of obesity is likely that there is a deficiency of carnitine

So an intake of carnitine ( dietary supplement ) can definitely be useful . Carnitine is a biovector ( transport element ) which is synthesized in the liver - and at a preliminary stage in the kidneys - the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. It has the function of carrier molecule for the transport of long chain fatty acids across the inner membrane of mitochondria . Long-chain fatty acids can cross the membrane only via esterification with carnitine , while the short chain fatty acids and medium penetrate even without this carrier ( transport molecule ) .

Carnitine as a fat burner
Carnitine accelerates the transport of fatty acids and starts them to the combustion metabolica.6 The consequence : the body burns fat ( instead of storing them ) . Due to its fat burning effect , this substance is used for the reduction of body weight and marked as ' Fatburner '.

The formation of carnitine synthesis occurs in 5 stages with the participation of essential cofactors,these are : vitamin B6 , vitamin B12 , niacin and folic acid. The shortage of only one of the elements mentioned above may involve a limited biosynthesis .

For the function of L-carnitine as a fat burner , a professor at the University of Leipzig Luppa in his essay of 2004 he writes : " With regard to the prevention of overweight , measures for improving the treatment of the fat are more effective than the rigid restrictions of dietary fat with nutrition, currently highly publicized . This however applies only to the condition that the fat metabolism and its regulation function optimally . In both cases, the L-carnitine is an essential cofactor that participates in a decisive way . Because L -carnitine has the function of carriers, a deficiency results in a reduction in the disposal of the fatty acids in the mitochondrial matrix . In addition, L-carnitine , as a substrate of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) , plays a central role in regulating the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. "

This means that : " Limitations in the availability of L-carnitine not only recognize the adaptability of lipid metabolism . They are also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the protein . May arise as a result a reduced blood glucose levels and increased protein degradation . "

Combustion - of - fat

It clearly shows that carnitine can increase the ability of some cells to burn body fat

There are also the work of two scientists in Geneva and the United States which have demonstrated for the first time that the intake of carnitine also increases the mobilization of fatty acids from the adipocytes ( fat cells) favoring the smaltimento7 .

There are also enough data on 7 animal models clearly demonstrate that , during a low calorie diet , carnitine supplementation leads to a significant reduction in body fat content , compared to placebo , while promoting the increase of lean muscle mass .

Carnitine facilitates weight control

A clinical study of 2013 is held in high regard . It showed that food supplementation with 500 mg of L -carnitine per day in combination with a motivational training is sufficient to obtain a significant reduction in weight in overweight subjects . In 4 weeks, all participants in the study lost an average of 400 g of body fat without changing nutrition and physical activity level . The waistline has been reduced by an average of 1.3 cm.9

Glutamine counteracts the accumulation of fat

Glutamine can be converted into glucose by the kidneys without affecting the values ​​of insulin and glucagon. In this way also contributes to energy production which , in turn, helps prevent fatty deposits caused by insulin .10

This contrasts with the accumulation of fats in the power supply and is therefore aid in the regulation of body weight. In one study it was shown that , in case of a diet rich in fat, an additional intake of glutamine may result in a reduction of body fat . In addition, glutamine reduces the craving for sugar and alcool.11

Even the B vitamins are important for fat burning. Vitamin B is a great help to lose weight because almost all the B vitamins stimulate the endogenous combustion of fats. In addition, they are a real nourishment for the nerves - element to be reckoned with for those wishing to lose weight . The B vitamins riboflavin ( B2) , niacin (B3) , pantothenic acid (B5) , biotin (B7) and cobalamin (B12 ) are responsible for the functioning of the metabolism and stimulate the disposal of body fat .

Vitamin B2 acts particularly quickly against the burning of fat as quickly transforms proteins , carbohydrates and fats into energy. The trace element zinc plays a similar role . Supports the body in the processing of fats and carbohydrates and is essential for the functioning of the protein metabolism . Amino acids can perform their important tasks in fat metabolism only with a sufficient supply of zinc.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Stop counting calories and start loosing body fat

Counting calories is an ineffective strategy for losing body fat. Learn why the physiologically - based strategies are more effective.
Chronic illnesses and diseases such as obesity , excessive body fat, type 2 diabetes , ischemic heart disease and high blood pressure have reached epidemic levels in many industrialized countries . These chronic diseases reflect improper diet practices and / or metabolic disorders [1,2]. They can be prevented or corrected with proper nutrition strategies for body fat reduction . Here are support excessive body fat some of the basic principles that dietary strategies to eliminate or reduce .
Calorie Counting
Counting calories is a major obstacle for body fat reduction . Most people spend a lot of time counting calories instead of paying attention to the physiological mechanisms that support the dietary protocols for body fat loss. More attention often focuses on the amount consumed rather than on the quality of food. Therefore, many diet does not show body fat reduction after months of counting calories . Many will be dismayed and see the task of the body fat reduction as an impossible dream.

The way in which the body is treated ,and  eating food that affects body - food interactions, are often more important than the energy value of food consumed . For example, diet drinks may be free of calories but they interfere with the appetite control mechanism and appetite [ 3,4,5 ] , to increase, therefore if a person consumes diet drinks and balanced meals (ad libitum) , he will end up eating more during the day compared to a person who consumed tap water and balanced meals with olive oil (ad libitum) . The calorie content of the foods with olive oil will be higher than the balanced meal alone because of the high calorific value of oil, but during the day  food with drink consume more food and more calories compared to the tap water consumers take on higher -calorie meals.

One can argue that a consumers could gain more body fat taking olive oil over the diet drinks , since the daily calorie intake is higher in the consumer than the diet drinks . This kind of thinking can be useful if you ignore the physiological basis for the increased appetite in the consumer diet drinks. On the other hand , one can take the two variables ( calorific value of the food and body -food interaction) , over a reasonable period of time to arrive at a conclusion on the dietary approach is better for body fat reduction when considered.

The second approach is the right way to determine the effectiveness of a particular food or a substance in a diet protocol for body fat reduction . A further step can be taken , however , to improve this later. You can ignore the calorie intake simply because the body - food interaction is the primary factor for the food - Adipogenic Effects ( fat that effect ) . If you remove the distractions of calorie count , another food may draw your attention and would be constructive to body fat reduction.

Physiologically sound dietary strategies
To know to avoid the main food is usually sufficient to place one on the right track for body fat reduction . Artificial sweeteners and refined carbohydrates are the most Adepogenic substances . Bad fats and oils (trans- fats and saturated fatty acids) are also major offenders. The task of the body fat reduction can be facilitated by the addition of a few physiologically sound dietary strategies. Two strategies that would be presented here curb the appetite or increase insulin sensitivity ( increase metabolism ) .

Dietary measures , improve insulin sensitivity would help to restore the proper energy management and energy metabolism.It Would increase food and Simple things like adding spices like cinnamon , curry and cayenne pepper insulin sensitivity. Another dietary measure , very effective for body fat reduction is to increase fiber and good oils (e.g, olive oil) in the diet.Fiber and olive oil to curb the appetite, reduce food consumption and increase insulin sensitivity.

Potent Fat inducers 
Is to gain body fat and affects the two most Adipogenic substances (fats Maker) which are artificial sweeteners ( diet soda ) and refined carbohydrates . A Dieter for body fat reduction should avoid diet drinks and foods containing artificial sweeteners. He / she should also avoid refined carbohydrates or learn how to minimize their Adipogenic effects.

The refined carbohydrates are foods with high glycemic index values ​​[ 6]. Glucose of these refined carbohydrates enter the bloodstream very quickly and causes sharp rises in the plasma levels of insulin. An increase in plasma insulin levels facilitate the synthesis of fat. Elevated plasma levels of insulin also prevents the removal of body fat, so it can be burned . (Insulin allows for the synthesis of fat and prevents the stored fat burned) This can lead to obesity.

5 ways to reduce abdominal fat

Undoubtedly there is nothing more uncomfortable than abdominal fat,That's why we give you this guide how to lose belly fat so you look as you want.

1. Sleep well and relax. It is important to sleep about 7 hours feel vital and energetic , otherwise your stress level and increase anxiety and make you eat more unhealthy food amount . You must give your body a chance to rest so you can be ready for the day and to exercise.

2 . Hydration, one of the key elements of how to lose abdominal fat is good hydration . So we recommend you ingest at least 3 liters of water per day . Water is very good for burning fat from your abdomen, as it is the best substance to eliminate toxins from your body and concentrate on your stomach. So, drink water all day .

3. Play sports regularly or make a minimum 3 times a week or if you prefer exercise takes walks. Do not forget that walking is a good exercise to lose weight and burn a lot of fat. Walking 30 to 60 minutes brisk carry your heart rate to 60 % or 70 % full burn 85% of calories as fat .

4 . Eat "good" fats in moderation , use olive oil , eat some almonds and five daily meal count on your weekly oily fish such as tuna , sardine , mackerel , mackerel , anchovy or anchovy , salmon . These will provide omega 3, which is essential to your health. Do not forget to avoid fried foods .

5 . Avoid refined white sugar , is the No. 1 enemy of your abdomen. Replaces your body needs glucose to the fruit , is beneficial and is not stored as refined sugar . Equally Avoid sugary fizzy drinks and then have a quick effect on your body because the gas is concentrated in your abdominal area and will make you look bloated. So goodbye to fizzy drinks !